
Week 1: Introduction to 3D

A course class for Introduction to 3D w/ Rhino (Design Fundamentals)

HackadayU online course introducing students to Rhino3D. This course focuses on creating, editing and exporting precise 3D models.

jamesmcbennettjamesmcbennett 12/09/2020 at 22:432 Comments

I will assume that nobody has any experience using any 3D software. The lecture will begin by introducing the fundamentals common to all 3D software highlighting different types of 3D geometry. Who uses each type and for what kind of projects? Rhino3D will be introduced as the software we will use in this course. I will explain how its interface works and each part of the screen.

We will open a downloaded file together and learn how to orbit, pan, and zoom around a 3D model. (.3dm is Rhino3D's file extension.) The downloaded file has basic 3D shapes already created. We will transform those shapes using move, rotate, and scale.

You will be able to have any questions you have in a Q&A that will follow the lecture.

Class 1 Video:


jaywilliams71 wrote 01/27/2021 at 15:51 point

I missed last nights lecture, is it available to view somewhere so I can  catch up?

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Lutetium wrote 01/27/2021 at 20:40 point

Yes, the unlisted video for the first class has been uploaded to youtube. Link:

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