Stephen Tranovich12:05 PM
Speaking of which, let's get this Hack Chat started! A BIG welcome to @Amitabh Shrivastava for joining us on today's chat. Why don't you start us off by telling us a little about yourself?

Boian Mitov12:05 PM
Welcome @Amitabh Shrivastava ! :-)

Amitabh Shrivastava12:06 PM
Thanks @Boian Mitov! By the way, love your acoustic levitation project!!

Boian Mitov12:06 PM
Thank you @Amitabh Shrivastava :-)

Amitabh Shrivastava12:07 PM

Amitabh Shrivastava12:07 PM
So, I'm a grad student at ITP, NYU

Amitabh Shrivastava12:07 PM
I like to make stuff, electronics, fabrication..

Amitabh Shrivastava12:08 PM
I studied physics and biology in undergrad, but quickly realized that I prefer just making things

Amitabh Shrivastava12:08 PM
So I became the engineering consultant for the ecology department

Amitabh Shrivastava12:08 PM
Made a windtunnel, and a sensor for measuring elephant height

Amitabh Shrivastava12:08 PM
Then moved to startups and worked on wearable gaming

Amitabh Shrivastava12:09 PM
Now, at NYU I'm working on embedding sensors in concrete and soft robotics!

Amitabh Shrivastava12:09 PM
I really enjoy making tools that others can use to make cool stuff

Stephen Tranovich12:10 PM
Very cool!

Amitabh Shrivastava12:11 PM
Shall I speak a bit about Programmable-Air?

Stephen Tranovich12:11 PM
We already have some great questions from the community, especially @Jarrett , so let's get started!

Amitabh Shrivastava12:11 PM

Stephen Tranovich12:11 PM
Let's do a few community questions then dive into programmable air. I'm really excited to hear about it.

Stephen Tranovich12:11 PM
First question(s) from @Jarrett : What kind of pumps do you like to use?

Have any preference for small / lightweight / cheap ones?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:12 PM
Yeah that's a great question

Amitabh Shrivastava12:12 PM
In pneumatics, as in all of engineering there's tradeoffs with size, cost and quality

Amitabh Shrivastava12:13 PM
I wanted to go for something that can generate pressures in the range that humans can generate with their mouth and about the same flow rate

Amitabh Shrivastava12:13 PM
After a lot of testing I settled on these pumps:

Amitabh Shrivastava12:13 PM


DC12V micro air pump Electric pumps mini vacuum pump pumping Booster For Medical

Micro air pump Electric pumps mini vacuum pump pumping Booster For Medical Rated voltage: DC12V Rated current: Air flow without load: 3.2LPM Max. vacuum: Noise: Life test: >500 Hours Note: Welcome to wholesale ...,we offer you more competitive wholesale price . Package included: 1 pc Micro air pump

Read this on Amazon

Amitabh Shrivastava12:14 PM
Similar pumps are available for 5$ a pop and they can do 2L/min flow rate and + - 8 PSI

Amitabh Shrivastava12:14 PM
If you don't know what you need, these are a good place to start

Amitabh Shrivastava12:15 PM
*end rant*

Stephen Tranovich12:16 PM

Stephen Tranovich12:16 PM
Let's round out that series of questions with their next one: Realistically, how much weight do you expect small portable pumps to be able to lift?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:17 PM
Hmm, it really depends on the actuator attached to the pump

Amitabh Shrivastava12:17 PM
Let's look at the math

Amitabh Shrivastava12:17 PM
You can generate -8 PSI

Amitabh Shrivastava12:17 PM
So, if you have a one square inch surface area, you can lift 8 pounds.

Amitabh Shrivastava12:18 PM
I can totally imagine lifting 100 pounds with this pump with a good o-ring seal

Stephen Tranovich12:18 PM
Have you considered small cans of compressed air (like airsoft cannisters)?

If so, how would controlling airflow work?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:19 PM
Hmm, so compressed air cans are much higher pressure range

Amitabh Shrivastava12:19 PM
I think they are around 50PSI

Amitabh Shrivastava12:19 PM
or even higher

Amitabh Shrivastava12:19 PM
The valve I use can't handle those pressures

Amitabh Shrivastava12:20 PM
But It's totally possible to control the air flow with better valves

Amitabh Shrivastava12:20 PM
I'd point you to the Harvard Soft Robotics toolkit

Amitabh Shrivastava12:20 PM


Fluidic Control Board

The Soft Robotics Toolkit Control Board is an open source hardware platform that can be used to operate and control fluidic soft actuators, such as the PneuNets Bending Actuator or the Fiber-Reinforced Actuators described on this site.

Read this on Softroboticstoolkit

Amitabh Shrivastava12:21 PM


Read this on Smcetech

Amitabh Shrivastava12:21 PM
^ these valve will control air can flow rate with no issues

Stephen Tranovich12:23 PM
So let's talk more about Programmable-Air! Tell us, what made you want to create this project?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:23 PM
So, I took a class on Soft Robotics with Kari Love, here at ITP

Amitabh Shrivastava12:23 PM
And I was soo excited to make a walking silicone soft robot

Amitabh Shrivastava12:24 PM
Something like this:

Amitabh Shrivastava12:24 PM


Amitabh Shrivastava12:24 PM
And everyone around me was making stuff like this, because it's just a 3D printed mold and some silicone

Amitabh Shrivastava12:25 PM
But then, they were controlling these robots by blowing air with their mouth or like a blood pressure cuff pump

Stephen Tranovich12:25 PM
So cool and freaky!

Amitabh Shrivastava12:25 PM
I was like

Amitabh Shrivastava12:25 PM
You guys!! that's not how you control a robot

Amitabh Shrivastava12:26 PM
I looked around, and I couldn't find any cheap way to control soft robots.

Amitabh Shrivastava12:26 PM
So I decided to build one.

Stephen Tranovich12:26 PM
Brilliant. Tell us more about the design process. Where did you start?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:27 PM
I started with the two projects that were already out there

Amitabh Shrivastava12:27 PM
The harvard soft robotics toolkit, and pneuduino from MIT

Amitabh Shrivastava12:28 PM
They were both designed for use by researchers, so they used expensive equipment

Amitabh Shrivastava12:28 PM
I started out looking for cheaper replacements for each component: the pumps, the valves and the pressure sensor

Amitabh Shrivastava12:28 PM
I just ordered a bunch of stuff and started playing around

RoGeorge12:29 PM
I would have start by taking Limbo Dance classes


Amitabh Shrivastava12:29 PM

Amitabh Shrivastava12:29 PM
It's totally a limbo

Amitabh Shrivastava12:30 PM
The thing with pneumatics that makes it annoying is that you have not only the current and voltage compatibility but also the flow rate, the pressure range and nozzle size

Amitabh Shrivastava12:30 PM
You have a valve that's the perfect size, cheap, the right flow rate and voltage

Amitabh Shrivastava12:31 PM
And then you realize it doesn't support vaccum

Amitabh Shrivastava12:31 PM
So, it was a lot of trial and error

Stephen Tranovich12:31 PM
What were your target parameters?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:33 PM
Broadly, I wanted to blow up a balloon in under a minute, I wanted it to generate slightly more pressure than possible with the human mouth, the board had to be under 4"x4" and the power had to be under 10 watts

Amitabh Shrivastava12:33 PM
And importantly, it had to be under 100$

Amitabh Shrivastava12:34 PM
Which is like the impulse buy range for me

Amitabh Shrivastava12:34 PM
I was not thinking of it as a product, back then though

Stephen Tranovich12:35 PM
When did you decide it should be a product?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:36 PM
Hmm, I think it was when I presented it for the first time in my class

Amitabh Shrivastava12:36 PM
Suddenly everyone wanted to work with me and use it to control their projects

Amitabh Shrivastava12:36 PM
Which was great! They could make the cool soft robots and I'd just help them control it

Amitabh Shrivastava12:37 PM


Amitabh Shrivastava12:37 PM
^ A friend made this for her class project

Stephen Tranovich12:37 PM

Amitabh Shrivastava12:37 PM
That was when I realized the potential of this as a product

Stephen Tranovich12:39 PM
That's so cool! I think this is a good lead-in to another community question from @anfractuosity : Have you seen this - I'm wondering if you may have an idea how that works?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:40 PM
Yeah, I friend of mine made something similar, and it's actually a perfect example of what's possible with Programmable-Air

Amitabh Shrivastava12:40 PM
There are three air tubes inside the actuator

Amitabh Shrivastava12:41 PM
arranged symmetrically around the center

Amitabh Shrivastava12:41 PM
When you put air pressure in one of the tubes, it expands

Amitabh Shrivastava12:41 PM
And the whole actuator bends in the direction away from the tube

anfractuosity12:42 PM
ooh, do you have a video or anything on your one?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:42 PM
By putting different pressures in each tube, you can control which direction the actuator bends in and y how much

Amitabh Shrivastava12:42 PM
@anfractuosity I've just messaged my friend, let's see if he responds in time

anfractuosity12:42 PM

anfractuosity12:43 PM
dumb question you mean there's multiple air tubes, with dead ends right

Amitabh Shrivastava12:43 PM

anfractuosity12:43 PM
cool, thanks

Amitabh Shrivastava12:43 PM
lemme see if I can find an explainer gif or something

Stephen Tranovich12:45 PM
The next community question if from me! Does Programmable Air give you the ability to control the speed at which air is pumped? If so, between what ranges can you control it?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:46 PM
@anfractuosity something like this:

Amitabh Shrivastava12:46 PM
But with air

Amitabh Shrivastava12:47 PM
@Stephen Tranovich Yes! by controlling the PWM signal to the motors

Amitabh Shrivastava12:47 PM
And by controlling the nozzle size of the tubing, but that can't be changed programmatically

Amitabh Shrivastava12:48 PM
You can go anywhere from 0 to 2Litres per min

Amitabh Shrivastava12:48 PM
There's two pumps, so if you use them both to pump air out you can get up to 4 litres per minute

Amitabh Shrivastava12:49 PM
Actually, really low flow rate is annoying because the motors tend to stall

Amitabh Shrivastava12:49 PM
But, you can always have a slightly higher flow rate on the motor and the switch the valve on and off

Stephen Tranovich12:51 PM
What applications do you want to see programmable air used for?

Amitabh Shrivastava12:51 PM
I don't know Stephen. And that's the whole point!!

Amitabh Shrivastava12:51 PM
I can see application in assistive tech, art and design world

Amitabh Shrivastava12:52 PM
Wearables, underwater stuff, some hydraulics

Amitabh Shrivastava12:52 PM
But really, I want people to start thinking of pneumatics as an option when thinking of new projects


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