I'll be answering questions live on there ( and typing up summary's here... at the same time lol)
We'll be going live in about a minute here
OK all, let's get started. Let's welcome Mihir from Royal Circuits to talk about quick-turn fabrication. We'll be doing this a little differently as Mihir points out, so you'll want to tune into the livestream now.
whoot whoot!
all good
sound good
Sounds good
We see and hear
Everyone remember that we're asking questions here, and Mihir will respond on the livestream
So ask away...
What is the quickest turn you have ever done?
Whats the smallest order (volume) you will handle?
What drives the decision for a company to demand a quick-turn? Are these prototypes or something?
What's your scale of production? (i.e. What if everyone at DEFCON orders and expects 3 day turn time)
Ah, OK - prototypes mostly
Oh! it's not too late for!
Hi Milan!
On average how many jobs can you process in a day throughout all your facilities?
Newcomers will want to go to the livestream -
Ahhh bueno pues. Muchas gracias!
That must be a super streamlined supply-chain
Do you guys prefer ODB++ or Gerbers?
Can you guys do box build/final assembly and testing?
Looking to generate revenue by offering PCB Manufacturing services? Integrate with PriorityPCB to seamlessly plug into our factories and offer fabrication, assembly, and kitting services. Help your customers iterate faster!
max board layer possible? and does board layer affect turn around time?
I'm thinking of using a Maxim chip which only comes in a wafer scale package, 36 balls at 0.4mm pitch. Any guidance? Or should I avoid that sort of part for a small volume?
For moving towards high density designs, what's a good technology progression with respect to cost? 8mil vias -> 6 layer -> laser vias -> blind / buried -> ???
So you do prototypes - do you make end products for clients? (non prototype). If so - Name a well known product.
I guess, where are the big price jumps
How do laser vias compare with say, 6 mil drills, or jumping to 6 to 8 layers perhaps?
you mentioned paste deposition, would it be possible to add extra paste to accommodate the wicking action of a via in a pad?
Thanks for your answer! Good info.
Thank-you for the answer, answered my question!
Paste printer - so, sort of an inkjet printer for solder paste? How fine can that apply?
paste printer
Speaking of processing files from a wide variety of PCB tools/programs: do you prefer the paste and soldermask openings on surface mount pads to be 1:1 aspect to the pad, or grown automatically in the gerber files sent to you?
How do you compare/compete with China?
What are the most common reasons that a job might go on hold?
In that same vein of David's question -- what about doing (for example) USB trace impedance? If I don't know your stack up it's pretty time consuming to re-run the traces in KiCad, etc. Can you adjust the traces from the gerbers easily? What's the best way to avoid time wasting?
What kind of fab technology do you support that you consider leading edge?
Do you have a presence in Europe, do you have European customers?
Great answer, really appreciate your time!
cctHub - which country are they in
Can you source and purchase my BoM?
Reminder to tune into the livestream -
So logistics must be a huge problem for you. How do you make sure the right stuff is in the right place at the right time?
Is that custom software?
The API you mentioned, how would i go about integrating that into my software
Looking to generate revenue by offering PCB Manufacturing services? Integrate with PriorityPCB to seamlessly plug into our factories and offer fabrication, assembly, and kitting services. Help your customers iterate faster!
We now offer parts library management! Footprints, Symbols, and 3D Models, all maintained via version control at a fixed rate. Click below to learn more and get started. Click the button below to begin an online quote with instant pricing.
Augmented Reality application For Debugging PCBs
Using the camera on your iPhone or iPad, DebuggAR allows you to identify information on your board previously invisible to the naked eye. Hover your phone above your PCB to see all of your design's detail and information - from signal traces to component location and pinouts.
I tihnk I saw this somewhere the other day....
So basically structuring around a one stop shop?
Do you do Rigid Flex?
Say I don't need something in 3 days but perhaps 3 weeks: do you handle lower-cost, long(er) turn projects too?
So I saw an interesting PCB once:
Can you do things like that?
Any resources you would recommend for learning more about how to build cost-effective boards?
Any issues dealing with or shipping to customers in Canada?
Cool, thanks
do you sometimes get boards that take excessive e-test time (flying probes)
do you ever see pcb art coming through?
I still have time!
what's the last day I could send DefCon stuff to you?
my flight in Thur
boards are inbound, I have parts
30 unique, 0 through, ~90 total
next Thur
this is great customer service
Do you guys wear slacks there?
what are slacks?
You mentioned a solder resist printer before. How does that differ from traditional resist application? Actually, what is traditional application method?
What if i have a problem with my board?
AH, ok - sorry
I have a USB-C connector (molex 105444) that connects to the edge of the board, pins on both sides. Is that any more difficult to assemble?
I always wondered how these two-sides-at-once Type-C plugs are soldered!
Where are you guys located?
Can i come see your shop?
We ususally go an hour
Whats your OS of choice?
If you're running all these machines in three shifts, when do you schedule downtime for maintenance?
We won't hold it against you
OS on Desktop ? and machines in the fab
I might hold it against you lol
was that a goddamn Slack noise? made me check
Two questions
1) What technical aritlces could we write that you guys would like to read
Does the debugg application work?
2) Where's my Pizza?
(I've been watching for a while -- just couldn't log into my Hackaday) You're doing well. I like it.
Augmented Reality application For Debugging PCBs
Using the camera on your iPhone or iPad, DebuggAR allows you to identify information on your board previously invisible to the naked eye. Hover your phone above your PCB to see all of your design's detail and information - from signal traces to component location and pinouts.
How will you make it like JIRA? I'm not a fan of JIRA right now
signing up btw
Crazy idea - debuggar running on a digital scope...
Will it be able to scope in as much as digital scopes are able to? Are you going to interface with the scope or just use some camera?
pcb project management + kicad + git would be sick
Great chat (wow this format!)! I need lunch in my face, will drop you a line about assembly later today!
Tony Stark using Jarvis to debug PCBs...
Oakland, fo
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