
Hack Chat Transcript, Part 3

A event log for Open-Source Neuroscience Hardware Hack Chat

It isn't brain surgery. Until it is.

dan-maloneyDan Maloney 02/19/2020 at 21:060 Comments

Andre Maia Chagas12:58 PM
from there move to R/python, arduinos and version control

Lex Kravitz12:58 PM
@Dan Maloney OK!

Mark Laubach12:59 PM
@Andre Maia Chagas yes; we cover rpy2, oct2py, Arduinos, and Git

Andre Maia Chagas1:00 PM
@Mark Laubach do you have material available to share? it would be good to have a starting point, and a place to contribute with things we develop

Thomas Shaddack1:00 PM
@Lex Kravitz i am recently pretty deeply involved with 3d printing by SLA, from liquid resins. not only you get high precision, but also you can easily add things to the resins to modify their properties. i saw some tests with crystal violet in latex paints to make them self-disinfecting at light, and it dissolves well in acrylate resins too; no resources here to test the self-sterilization though.

DrG1:00 PM
@Lex Kravitz Working in a Psychiatry Dept, are you involved in any preclinical drug efforts? If so, how has any open behavior "task" been used in the effort [ @Mark Laubach too].

Thomas Shaddack1:00 PM
@Lex Kravitz 20 micrometer thin layers are easy to achieve.

Mark Laubach1:01 PM
@Andre Maia Chagas sort of... the course has changed over the years and its been a goal to get the content out; challenge is I am on sabbatical next year, so maybe I will finally find time to get that together and shared; I am open to sharing messy stuff any time though :-)

So that was a super-fast hour, and we'll have to let Mark and Lex get back to work. Feel free to continue the discussion, though - this was really fascinating stuff. I really want to thank both Lex and Mark for the time and the great discussion.

Mark Laubach1:01 PM
@Dan Maloney and everyone: Thank so much! This was a blast.

Lex Kravitz1:02 PM
@Thomas Shaddack That's awesome! We have an SLA printer but I'm afraid to mess with it too much because it was expensive and I don't want to void the warranty - the resins all come with RFID tags to stop us from playing with other resins... basically the opposite of open source. I want to get another one for playing around with

Andre Maia Chagas1:02 PM
@Mark Laubach cool, thanks! I'll shoot you a message later about this...

I've been sharing things a bit "aggressively" on

mrdale19581:02 PM
It was drinking from a firehose! Thanks!

Andre Maia Chagas1:02 PM
I'll put some stuff for the bootcamp there too

Mark Laubach1:02 PM
@Andre Maia Chagas lets stay in touch about this

Lex Kravitz1:02 PM
@Dan Maloney Thanks for inviting us!! This was a blast - I have to get back to work but anyone please feel free to reach out via messaging on here if you have other questions!

And don't forget that a transcript is forthcoming. I'll post the link here when it's done.

Thomas Shaddack1:02 PM
@Lex Kravitz my level of involvement is mixing the resins from precursors. working with the cheapest kind of printer, the anycubic photon class.

Mark Laubach1:03 PM
@Dan Maloney Thanks!


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