We're hosting an online microcontroller show and tell as part of the virtual Maker Faire. Join us at 11 am Pacific time on Saturday, May 23rd.
Zoom link: https://supplyframe.zoom.us/j/97870663242
Here's a handy timezone converter for this event.
We'll pass the mic around and hear from a couple dozen people as they share their projects with with the room. It would be awesome if you share your own project!
Guidelines on Showing Your Project:
- Fill out this form to tell us your name (or alias) and project title: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZaMRdI9uc_VGTcuVccMbT5CLgbgcakeHti8UIDRGt9fc_uQ/viewform
- Share a project you've build that has a microcontroller in it. Tell us something interesting you learned or did to make it happen
- Speakers will be limited to about 3 minutes each. We may not get to everyone depending on the interest in this event, but would still love to have everyone there!
Need Somewhere to Post Your Project Details?
This is what Hackaday.io is all about. We love hearing the details of even the smallest projects. Please consider publishing a project with pictures of and the story behind your hacks!
I've setup a project for the LabVIEW on a Raspberry Pi rover I showed off at https://hackaday.io/project/171899-labview-roverpi