OK folks, here we go. Welcome to the Hack Chat, I'm Dan and I'll be moderating today for Zack Freedman. We're going to talk about follow through on projects and actually finishing some of the projects you've got on your bench for a change. We're also livestreaming on YouTube, so tune in there too:
@Zack Freedman : What's on your HUD right now?
Just so you know, we'll be mostly taking questions here on the Hack Chat, and Zack will be answering them on the YT stream
@Dan Maloney Obvious question, what do i need to start making projects and where do i go for ideas and advice?
@Zack Freedman Do you finish every project do you start now?
@Zack Freedman How do you deal with parnters backing out from projects?
@Zack Freedman are you watching another stream on your hud?
FYI, I'll post a transcript on the IO chat right after we're done.
I got a quick dropout, but looking good so far
Talking about the projects is further motivation for me. It feels liek I need more social interaction on a lot of the things I do and if I just stay locked in my head I tend to let them fade into the incomplete pile.
How do you decide which project to start if you have multiple in mind?
@Ryo Kimball Its opposite for me
Jim Brahney: Which one would be most valuable to you when finished?
Is a button board a good way to start microcontroller projects?
What's your opinion on contests, with regards to finishing stuff. A distraction that forces you to postpone/steer projects in a different direction. Or is it free hardware with an extra motivation to finish stuff. Ever felt that you get parts you wouldn't use otherwise and now need extra effort in finding out how they work.
Critical paths if time is a thing... planning for lag time in each step was something I learned with time constraints on critical projects where it's like get it done or no more funding.
i wanna buy a resin printer but my dad says i have to have an idea to make profits to pay it off, any ideas?
just started with the Elegoo Mars, $150 and great so far
I use a Voxelab proxima, it is a mono printer that I picked up for $210 on amazon
it's comparable with a elegoo mars 2 imo
How do you deal with selecting between different options you can choose for a project?
How do you fight losing interest in a project?
What system do you use to keep track of notes/progress on projects/ideas when you have multiple projects going on and have a lot to keep track of? I know I could settle on just one project, but I do like having several irons in the fire so to speak...
Whats the best microcontroller project to do when you want to dive in?
How long should projects exist before you act on them? I've had a lot of ideas for things I could do that just never get acted on.
Would anyone have ideas on how to create a device that would store Digitnal MP4 type Videos and Play them out so Old Style S-VHS required input devices. I've got 3 Sony Studio Monitors that take S-VHS Video in and RCA Mono. Anyone?
I have creality ld-002r and my print fail everytime i try using an stl with supports in it, what am i doing wrong? I read something about more support density because it stops printing before it even builds the actual supports
@Zack Freedman Your best tips/thoughts for accurate time projections on a new project; ideally a new project stretches you in someway, but I often find myself overwhelmed, things spiraling out of control or stuck on one thing that's preventing me from finishing overall.
@✖️Jonathan Have you had any successful prints? I had similar issues and it was caused by the plate being slightly off-level
How do you decide between valuable projects with longer timelines/big investments and projects with quicker results?
@Zack Freedman how much money does it take to start making projects
I been building drones for about 10 years now. Would love to see you do a small INAV autonomous wing that does waypoints. I would love to help if you ever did this.
Whats the best microcontroller project to do when you want to dive in?
Do you use a PDM tool for solo projects? How do you organize the knowledge you accrue? I've been using Atlassian tools, but it's not geared towards solo engineering projects.
@James Murphy Like record and play the MP4's? Reminds me of a DVR for like drones or something better.
@Zack Freedman Do you aver get a flood of ideas all at once in the middle of another project? If so, where do you keep them until your ready to start the new project? A text file? A pad of paper?
What is your threshold for saying no to something based on not having enough experience? Do you do tester projects towards a larger goal?
I am doing a redox keyboard build because of you you have inspired me ty @Zack Freedman i am using kalih speed bronze
How do you plan a project and a video to go with it?
and a 3d printed plate handwire
Whats the best microcontroller project to do when you want to dive in?
why is it a bad idea to work on a project over years and just taking breaks if "life gets in the way"? i definetly have precident for staying motivated for so long.
That's a good one @sn3ll
Does video documentation help you plan your projects? All my note taking methods have felt clumsy and unorganized.
Well it did take me 25 years to get around to cleaning out the basement. 8-) Looks nice now...
Whats the best microcontroller project to do when you want to dive in?
How do you handle down time (in weeks) when waiting for parts/electronics to be ship to your place?
@elmoelmojr Arduinos are a good place to start
Thanks @Generic Human
@Zack Freedman When do you decide the requirements for when a project is designated as "finished" project - at the beginning of the design phase, later on, when you are sick of doing it or got paid?
@Zack Freedman How do you avoid burnout?
Where do you join the discord?
@impinpb https://discord.gg/voidstarlab
Do you ever take on risky projects where there's no guarantee of successful outcome?
@Zack Freedman rn i am making a project i call THE ULTIMATE ORGANIZATION STATION although its not your giant wall of organizers, it will be more than enough storage for my desk. i am going to print a usb/sd/micro sd holder out of tpu so it is easier to put in the things and so it doesnt get scuffed up putting it in. after this, im making a "tazer" out of an old laptop li-on battery. its gonna be awesome
do you have the ambition of sell some of your projects from the channel?
@Zack Freedman Should I start a youtube channel just to push me finish my projects
heyo @Zack Freedman how would you handle projects that seem to be unfinishable due to factors such as constant issues coming up? and another question, when would you know to cut your losses and either get someone else to finish the project or scrap it?
Every project I do has me learn something new.
How do you fight loss of interest?
do you plan out projects or just jump into them head first? which do you think is better?
Don't you think that glasses are bad for your eyes?
@MyFirstName IsNotEEstar that is a cursed question
what is your favorite project that you never finished?
@Siva Experiment 429320 XD, im thinking that since i started watching his videos
Hi how are you, do you think to know how to code is important to be able to do projects?
hey! how do you go about finding new collaborators for projects or videos?
How do you deal with selecting between different options you can choose for a project?
@Zack Freedman Do you ever feel that documentation is de-motivational and how do you make sure it isn't holding you back. What are the essentials for documenting a project (for you).
oh blob, that's like my workspace
I'm an EE. But while making and testing a PCB, I spend 10x the time on mechanical and UI design.
How do you stay working on the boring stuff in your specialty?
Before you even start a project, how do you decide if it's worth a video? Do you just record everything then decide?
project suggestion: recycling station =)
thougth... I've recently learned moving is a big motivator to get rid of old crap
thankfully, I moved to a bigger house I can fill with new crap
Sell all your old crap for shipping costs + 50 cents
Zack - love your videos and projects! They include lots of "smarts" - for example no youtuber has tackled fluxgate magnetometers in as entertaining a way as you. However they also include a lot of jokes, gorgeous visuals, and entertainment value. Do you find there's ever a battle happening in your mind between wanting to produce something that's "smart" and wanting to produce something that's entertaining? Do you aim to always do both?
What's your balance of practical projects vs "for the memes!" type projects
@Zack Freedman Where are you moving to in colorado? I would love to connect with some local hackers when covid is not such a big problem and have a hackerspace type thing for 3d printing, AI, electronics stuff, etc.
@Zack Freedman What is a good first project?
"When in doubt, chuck it out" Love it
Let's say you finish that project, lots of little issues went wrong, time wasted, to the point you don't want to look at it. How do you then make a YouTube video without it being a rant about all the problems haha
im extremely scared of electicity, but I would love to start working on small arduino projects. It's an irrational fear of mine. Do you have any tips?
p.s. can you please increase your gain, you are quite low on your volume
wait can I paste in my stacktraces and expect Zach to help me fix the issues?
how do i make things that i will want to keep
Question Zack❓ what is a good first project?
I've put together a STEM club at my school, and we all want to learn more about electronics and programming, but we're having some trouble with finding a project to take on, and more importantly finish. Any advice?
firmware and infrastructure code (server) are a drag for me because I program all day for work. Things like Node RED, Tasamota and ESPHome have been great for reducing the amount of code I need for hardware proejcts
Do you aim to "invent" things? Or are projects ephemeral?
Kevin Asks- When I have only half of the materials, do I wait until I have everything to get started or should I begin the project right away to take advantage of the project "urge"
Do you intentionally gather supplies for most of your projects, or have you just built up enough of a junk pile (or junk assortment drawer array) that you look for a solution within your existing stock?
its cu like a bird and sock on your foot, for my name
@Zack Freedman What's your opinion about contests, with regards to finishing stuff. A distraction that forces you to postpone/steer projects in a different direction. Or is it free hardware with an extra motivation to finish stuff. Ever felt that you get parts you wouldn't use otherwise and now need extra effort in finding out how they work.
How do you deal with overengineering projects and bloated designs?
do you need to learn any programming languages for this kinda stuff? if so whats the most versatile?
I dont have a problem finishing pojects because i am too scared to start them. Any suggestions?
I would say "products" never end, but "projects" do end. Hence the concept of iterations
if it requires tinkering, make a v2
what is your favorite project you never finished?
of all the projects you have built, which SOLUTION was your favorite to come up with and why?
how do you feel like you belong in the maker community. is it normal to feel like this for a while ?
@Ian -- sounds like you're talking about "imposter syndrome". Correct?
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
Question Zack❓ what is your input on Humanoid Android in the DIY Space❓
I won't answer for @Zack Freedman, but I've been an imposter for over 50 years and I'm still doing fine ;-)
thought not quite that long...
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
nice so don't worry about it all @Dan Maloney
On the whole the hacker/maker community is very welcoming and respects people who wish to learn. I'd recommend worrying less about what you know now and focus on what you can learn once you dive in.
Question Zack❓ what is your input on Humanoid Android in the DIY Space❓
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
So i am working on a project (code) for a client that is several thousand miles away...
I wouldn't have any problems if he had defined everything upstart, but while working he is thinking of more and more features that already intervene with my existing code so I am on a peak of trashing everything and starting again...
Question: Do you work projects as a freelancer if so how are you dealing with bad | way expecting clients?
But I will share some advice my dad gave me. He did carpentry work on the side, and he always said, "I don't have to be the best carpenter in the world, all I have to do is be a better carpenter than the guy who hired me."
double down, I am an electrical engineer, and I feel like I can't release anyting because I "should" be release all this advanced stuff but I'm still just doing simple projects. I M P O S T E R
@Zack Freedman Do you have any advice on making videos from your projects?
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
I feel really anxious joining makerspaces feeling inadequate, but I don't know how else to network with people to learn from. What's a good way to bounce ideas off of people who might be able to collaborate on a project?
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
@Zack Freedman : Tried mindfulness? It helped me to get rid of some of my dist... Oh look, a squirrel!
How do you fight loss of interest in a project?
@itsshreyarora try node-red with raspberry pi
What's your "motivational substance" of choice?
ny advice about home automation? whats a good way to start with it? IM trying to make a system for it, and what u said is very relevant, how do i prioritize what i should add or not?
Zack, I Keep messing up some of my Autocad projects, What should I Do to focus more on my Autocad?
would you consider yourself a design engineer
is it cool if i do everything with an rpi and a bunch of relays?
is it cool if i do everything with an rpi and a bunch of relays?
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