Hi!!! Does the project page have to be created in the time frames listed? (asking for friends who are interested)
@Erin RobotGrrl - Majenta will be on with us in a few minutes, she can give you the details
Hey Dan!
Hi @Erin RobotGrrl ! Great question :) the project page must be created after the launch date of this year's prize (May 18th, 2021 7:01 am PT) and just needs to be submitted during the specific challenge entry period to count for that challenge
Sweeeet! 😎 thanks @Majenta Strongheart will pass this along
HI all, thanks for tuning into the Hack Chat today! I'm Dan and I'll be moderating today along with Dusan as we welcome Majenta Strongheart to talk about the 2021 Hackaday Prize, which was just announced yesterday.
Welcome @Majenta Strongheart !
Thank you! Excited for the convo !
This years Prize page, for reference:
Supplyframe DesignLab Hackaday Prize 2021
A global hardware design challenge focused on widespread and impactful innovation. This year, we are asking the community to rethink and refresh familiar concepts across multiple facets of hardware. How can we communicate more effectively through different display technologies? How can supportive tech expand its reach and also bring new potential engineers into the fold?
Hello and welcome!
@Majenta Strongheart - can you briefly describe the rough structure of the prize this year? Like what the challenges are, etc?
ah that preview text needs to be cleared, but that is in fact the 2021 site, thanks @Dan Maloney!
the links are wrong too
Oh jeez, didn't notice that. The chat engine must have pulled up a cached copy.
Well while you're figuring out the links, I have an off-topic question. is @Majenta Strongheart your given name, or did you invent it? It's awesome!
Yes of course, so this year we are returning to the monthly challenge structure of year's past, some of you may remember from 2018 and other years prior. There are 5 challenges each with a different theme: 1. Rethink Displays, 2. Refresh Work-From-Home Life, 3. Reimagine Supportive Tech, 4. Redefine Robots, and 5. Reactivate Wildcard
The top 10 finalists of each challenge will be announced shortly after the challenge period closes and be awarded $500 to help support their project through finals
The prizes this year are: First Place - $25,000 + DesignLab Residency, Second Place - $15,000, Third Place- $10,000, Fourth Place - $5,000, Fifth Place - $3,000
@Mark J Hughes thanks! My given name, shout out to my hippie parents :)
How finished do the projects need to be at the end of the monthly challenge?
What is DesignLab Residence?
@Laura very important question, the projects much meet he minimum entry round requirements listed in the official rules under section 4:
1. Discuss the challenge the project addresses.
2. Discuss how the project will alleviate or solve the problem
that the project addresses.
3. Publish at least one (1) image illustrating how the project
might be used. This may be a sketch, schematic, flow chart,
rendering, or other type of image.
4. Link to any repositories (e.g., Github).
5. Document all open-source licenses and permissions as
well as any applicable third-party licenses/restrictions.
6. Submit the project to the 2021 Hackaday Prize using the
“Submit project to...” option found on the published Project Profile.
7. Show at least four (4) Project Log updates on your Project
@Majenta Strongheart if the project page itself was created long ago but there was no activity on it until today (it was empty and private), would that be OK? People are already asking questions, I'd hate to re-create it
there was no project info on it or anything, it literally was an empty page with a placeholder text
@Arsenijs from the previous answer, you have to create a new project page, the project must be created after the start of the contest
Okay, if I’m reading that right, you can still be working on, but the project page needs to have good documentation on your idea and progress.
@Mark J Hughes DesignLab is Supplyframe's design and fabrication facility in Pasadena, CA. The residency for the prize winner is designed to be very custom so as to tailor to the needs of the winner (since winners are often at different stages of their project when they win). We are currently doing a remote residency for last year's winner The Byte (https://hackaday.io/project/171778-the-byte) to help them reach the next goals of their project.
but what it is?
@Laura yes that's a great way to put it, a working prototype is not required until the finals but of course the further along your project is, the more impressive it is likely to be to the judges
Wait does that mean it should be also created after the certain challenge starts i.e. I start working on improving "work from home" but the challenge is not open yet
@Arsenijs you need to create a new project page, you can always link the new one on your old one to direct people
Let me rephrase that, if I create a project now (at this moment) do I need to recreate it to submit to challenges.
=( there goes my activity, oh well
@Inne No, the project page must be created after the launch date of this year's prize (May 18th, 2021 7:01 am PT) and just needs to be submitted during the specific challenge entry period to count for that challenge
got it
can you submit the same project in all the challenges if it fits?
@deʃhipu Yes a project can be submitted to several challenges! Section 4 of the official rules: A submission may be entered to any or all of the Challenge Rounds as long as it meets the requirements and addresses the appropriate theme for each Challenge Round in which it is submitted.
FYI, there are already buttons to submit projects to the Prize in general or for the current challenge:
I have been following the hackaday prize for some time (never submitted anything yet). Hackaday really stimulates just trying things, but Do you have a tip of some common mistake ppl make that is easy to avoid??
Or something to keep in mind when first setting up a project page.
Not submitting the winning project is a pretty common mistake.
@Inne I think the most common mistake I've seen is not completing the entry round requirements (that I pasted above and can be found in section 4 of the rules)
@Ethan Waldo Hah!
Do you have any suggestions for projects that need to be made?
Also not taking advantage of the mentor sessions! The mentor sessions are an awesome resource to get direct feedback on your entry
@Inne go through the rules one by one, see if you fully comply - not fully complying to some technicality (mostly in the "your project needs X to be eligible" section) is a mistake I've seen mentioned often when it came to previous year's Prizes
@Inne - Speaking as someone who often does preliminary judging, we see a lot of spamming of project submissions that clearly don't have anything to do with either the challenge or the Prize in general.
We already have three lined up you can sign up for here: https://forms.gle/i6jgZrqdcsXx9wEx9
Sorry if this is a repost, the chat keeps losing my messages. I'm thinking of building a novel input device for a computer or phone, but I'm not sure whether I should submit it in the display, improving WFH, or wildcard challenges. Any thoughts?
I find the mentor sessions pretty scary, especially since in my projects either I have no idea what questions to ask -- and then the mentor session is useless to me -- or if I know the questions, I research them myself already.
Where can we find info about competencies of the mentors in question? As in, what are they useful for?
@Arsenijs Like how to rules don't state which version of English your project should be in :p (is American sign language English).
@Milkey Mouse why not all of them?
@Milkey Mouse seems like, indeed, your previous messages got lost! I only see one message from you in this chat, the last one you've sent
ok good at least I'm not spamming five copies of it!
@Majenta Strongheart what sorts of projects do the judges seem to like? Novel? Incremental improvements?
oh can you submit the same project multiple times? other thing I'm worried about is I'm a student and definitely won't have time to work on the project before mid June... so that might count out the first challenge (I think display challenge came first?)
@Milkey Mouse I was going to say the same as @deʃhipu enter all three :)
@Inne that'd be a novel one =D A more usual would be "tell us how your project achieves the stated goals of the challenge" and the author doesn't do that or doesn't do that explicitly enough
I don't know if the display challenge would accept a novel *input* device as opposed to *output*
as long as it uses a display in an interesting way...
@Arsenijs You can find more information on the mentors here: https://prize.supplyframe.com/#section-mentors
Does anyone have any tips for navigating employers' IP ownership rules while entering the contest? I don't want to start an ownership fight between Hackaday and my office.
@Milkey Mouse you still will have a week to start some work, I'd guess! At least, IIRC first challenge submission deadline is 21st? The "input vs output" question is indeed interesting, but also, I'd try anyway.
@Jakob Wulfkind hackaday only wants your permission to publuish things, it doesn't want your IP
as someone who last did the HaD prize several years ago it surprised me the first submission deadline (for the challenges) didn't require a video of a working prototype, etc.
@Majenta Strongheart thank you so much! One more question, would it be possible to ask to un-submit an existing project page from Prize? It was created way before, and I wouldn't like to see it clutter the lists
@Jakob Wulfkind Yes what @deʃhipu said and also I would recommend going through the prize rules with your employer just to be safe and make sure you are all on the same page
@Milkey Mouse with a bit more than a month for i.e. PCB design, ordering, assembly a bringup, I'd wager most people wouldn't make it that far!
@Arsenijs if you make a project non-public, it will be removed from all lists you submitted it to
@Arsenijs you can make it public afterwards
nice, thank you!
eh we've done worse
@Majenta Strongheart Why such an ambitious deadline for the first submission?
We try to do everything we can to make mentor sessions unintimidating, if you have any suggestions or specific questions about the structure of them I'm happy to answer them here or you can email prize@hackaday.com
does anyone have any use for our older robotics stuff?
it's not that ambitious if you consider you only need a description, image and four logs
@Majenta Strongheart can you attend the mentor sessions even without a specific question yet, how should I go about this to make the most of it??
@Matteo Borri if it fits the spirit of this year's HaD prize topic and you're willing to put in effort to make it useful for others, I'd say, definitely!
@Inne You can definitely attend without specific questions, but I would say you'll likely get more out of it if you have an idea of what kind of feedback you're looking for, but even if the question is: "I have these two projects in mind, which one is more worth pursuing" we can ask you the right questions to help you come to that decision
Will the achievements make a return "like the pickle rick award" or did that lead to strange (unexpected) ramifications last time.
My grandpa is dying so IDK if I have time to participate this year, but I've done some relevant robotics stuff. Imma put it up on the wiki if that's ok
there is a wiki?
there's even forums
@Inne what's the "pickle rick award" and will I regret googling it on a work computer?
I knew about the dead forum, but not the wiki
@Jakob Wulfkind you probably will, I'd do that at home
I think 2019 had certain sub themes that you could do. And the most wildcard one was the "pickle rick award" like a random project just because you can that is weirdly awesome
Those achievements were fun! If you'd like to see those return in future years we'd love to hear more about what you liked or any suggestions at prize@hackaday.com
I'm just kidding, no idea what the wiki is, I'd assume something like a project page/profile page would be actually intended
2018 Prize: Pickle Rick Achievement
2018 Hackaday Prize Achievement: Your entry is the most "What!?" -- You've earned this.
There were others, search for "2018 achievements" in hackaday.io to get a taste
*drat* I see someone already did my Inter Dimensional Portal Gun idea :)
@DrG do it better
Perhaps choose a different dimension for yours?
@Majenta Strongheart a lot of the judges are also members of the maker community how should you interact with them?? I googled a judge saw an interesting project that I thought of improving but that just seems really insincere considering the prize.
@Inne you are all welcome to interact with the judges, if there is a conflict of interest between a judge and a project or creator we make sure they are not reviewing that entry
Looks like we're slowing down on the questions. Any last thoughts for Majenta?
And BTW, I'll post a transcript so you can refer back for anything you missed.
OK, then we'll just say a big thank you to Majenta for sharing her time today, and for all the work she does getting the Prize together. And thanks to everyone for coming on today and asking great questions. Really looking forward to seeing everyone's entries this year!
Thanks @Majenta Strongheart
And FYI, no Hack Chat next week. We'll start up again on the first Wednesday in June - 6/2, I believe
Thank you, Majenta!
Thank you all and good luck on the Prize!
thanks everyone!
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