
Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

A event log for 2022 Hackaday Prize Hack Chat

Sustainability. Resiliency. Circularity. Pick all three.

dan-maloneyDan Maloney 04/14/2022 at 17:010 Comments

Erin RobotGrrlApr-13 12:48 PM

Tom DowadApr-13 12:48 PM
I'm sure he has a few projects of his own...

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:48 PM
Incase anyone doesn't know, he is part of the 2018 winning team :-)

Tom DowadApr-13 12:49 PM
Gee James, I've got this really good project, and I was thinkin...

James NewtonApr-13 12:50 PM
@Majenta Strongheart I was deeply honored to be able to give the acceptance speech for my team.

James NewtonApr-13 12:50 PM
@Tom Dowad That's MY line most of the time. I have one now that I have no time to work on and can't get anyone interested in. LOL. It's everyones story I think. We all have great ideas. As time passes, I have more and more respect for simple ideas that people have actually found the time to MAKE.

James NewtonApr-13 12:51 PM
And don't anyone point out that I would have more time to work on projects if I wasn't on here chatting... 'cause.. that's... true... Doh...

Tom DowadApr-13 12:52 PM

morganApr-13 12:52 PM
oh just quit your job for more project time, its what I did

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:52 PM
the struggle is real

Tom DowadApr-13 12:53 PM
Its changing the topic a bit, but complexity multiplies, and there is a point where one gets kind of stuck in it. Molasses.

Tom DowadApr-13 12:54 PM
My point being, I agree, a simple project that can be completed means a lot.

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:54 PM
cheers to that!

Dave BlundellApr-13 12:54 PM
Is there a discord / chat / forum for people on this project?

itsjustme_dApr-13 12:54 PM
Is there a mentor for someone that has never entered anything into any Hack-a-day challenges before but has a project that I believe would be a good candidate to be entered?

James NewtonApr-13 12:55 PM
100% That's what I was thinking about. Brilliant ideas that can't be implemented have little value. Incremental advances that can actually be done; priceless.

Dave BlundellApr-13 12:55 PM
aside from this right here, of course?

James NewtonApr-13 12:55 PM
I would recommend just posting on the hack chat or in the discord server.

Dave BlundellApr-13 12:56 PM
I think I'm going to try to get my makerspace to enter something. If I can't get enough interest, I may be looking for someone who needs help. I'm pretty damn sharp with SMPS design, which would probably prove rather useful for anyone doing an energy related challenge.

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:57 PM
Yes ask questions here :) and/or reach out to old finalists on their project pages to see if they'd be interested in mentoring you

Tom DowadApr-13 12:57 PM
Here's a relevant question. Its in the rules no doubt. Can the same person be on more than one team?

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 12:58 PM
@Tom Dowad yes they can, and the same person can also enter multiple projects on their own if they'd like (but they won't be selected as a finalist in more than one challenge)

Tom DowadApr-13 12:59 PM
OK great.

itsjustme_dApr-13 1:00 PM
Where would I go to find previous year entrees & winners?

James NewtonApr-13 1:00 PM
On the mentor thing, note that if you happen to get a lot of advice from a mentor who also happens to be a judge, they will probably be recused from judging and not able to vote for your project. I know I dropped myself out of voting for a project I had advised last year.

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 1:01 PM
@itsjustme_d great question! You can see the 2021 finalists under each challenge page on the 2020 contest page, for example:

Dan MaloneyApr-13 1:01 PM
OK folks, top of the hour's here and I know Majenta has a meeting coming up. I'm just going to wrap things up with a big "Thanks!" for her time, and to everyone for a nice discussion. Good luck to everyone in this year's Prize, too!

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 1:01 PM
there are also articles for each round of finalists and all the past grand prize winners

morganApr-13 1:02 PM
thanks @majen

morganApr-13 1:02 PM

Majenta StrongheartApr-13 1:02 PM
Thanks everyone! You can always email with questions or message any of the Hackaday team members on here and we'll get an answer to ya one way or another :)

morganApr-13 1:02 PM
thanks @Majenta Strongheart and @Dan Maloney

Erin RobotGrrlApr-13 1:02 PM
Thanks @Majenta Strongheart!

Tom DowadApr-13 1:03 PM
thank you!

Dan MaloneyApr-13 1:03 PM
Thanks all! And we'll be changing things up a bit next week:
