
HK Hackaday World Create Day Meetup @ MakerBay

We are kicking off monthly Hackaday meetups in Hong Kong on World Create Day. Come and join us at MakerBay to meet and share.

Saturday, April 22, 2017 06:00 pm HKT - Saturday, April 22, 2017 09:00 pm HKT Local time zone:
Saturday, Apr 22 2017, 10:00 am - Saturday, Apr 22 2017, 1:00 pm
MakerBay, Yau Tong, Hong Kong
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Come out and join HK makers on Hackaday World Create Day and kick off the monthly Hackaday Meetups.

Event Schedule:

6pm Meet and Greet
7pm Show and Tell

MakerBay also has some workshops scheduled for that day, you can find out more here:

This is the first monthly Hackaday Meetup in Hong Kong. Our plan is to rotate through all the makerspaces and labs so everyone can see how much our community has grown and the cool things that are going on. If you know a space we should visit, please contact Jon the organizer.

  • @ MakerBay

    Jon Buford04/23/2017 at 10:33 0 comments

    Our gathering at MakerBay yesterday was not the largest one on the planet, but this is what we get two weeks after the HK Makerfaire when everyone is still recovering. :)

    MakerBay is a very family friendly space.

    They are also very ecofriendly.

    Many of the projects have some tie into ecotech. The boat models on the right are Protei prototypes that have a flexible hull and were dreamed up to use to track or contain oil spills during the big Gulf of Mexico spill.

    We had the crew from Kayuride working on their project and their product testers were very busy.

    We had some good conversation.

    And even a spontaneous piano performance.

    I'm working on putting the next meetup together. My idea is to try to have one at every lab and makerspace that we can in HK, with each meetup being more about trying to connect the community that is there to the rest of the world. If you are in HK and want to have a Hackaday meetup at your favorite place to do your thing, please let me know.

  • Getting to MakerBay

    Jon Buford04/22/2017 at 17:19 1 comment

    Today, we met at the MakerBay in Yau Tong. It is one of the industrial areas in Hong Kong where the zoning will allow for real industrial work, but you can see this is starting to be encroached by residential use just across the street from MakerBay.

    MakerBay is located about 5-10 minutes walk from the Yau Tong MTR station, here is the walk to MakerBay.

    I'll do an edit of the photos and videos from the meetup and post it up soon.

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