One magical day, at the Tech Museum in San Jose, my life changed when I was asked to demo a wearable tech coat on "Make" day. Whammy, all at once I found out about 1) Arduino 2) Make and Makerfaire, and 3) Wearable Tech. Being friends with smart people, always a passion of mine, finding this not-so-secret maker culture - combining it all with art - these are my people!!! It has been an amazing journey and I'm still on the road. I can't even wait to tell you all though! It's been 3 years with Arduino - and I finally toured all the factories in Italy!!!! The owners were so sweet and gave me PCBs and I am so inspired. Did you know that men and women put SO much attention and care and hand soldering and so many processes with the PCB and copper - whew!! I was blown away. The quality of Arduino is really in all these smart, detail-oriented Italians who make it happen!
Hackaday is amazing, thank you for such a wonderful contribution to the Arduino community and beyond. Well, helllllooo hackers! My name is Tenaya Hurst and I am from Berkeley California. I am a Geo-anthropactress - part Geologist, part Anthropologist, part Actress.@Tenaya Hurst pictures from the trip/factories? ;-)
I have toured a local PCB plant and they are incredible places. Highly recommended.
We have one factory - making PCBS. Then we have 2 facilities that turn those PCBS into Arduino boards. Then we have a 4th group working on putting the tested and beautiful Arduinos into boxes...and they have the whole Starter Kit assembly line!
wow... can anyone tour the Arduino factories?or make an rsvp?
is there a height requirement?
@Greg Kennedy :-D
We should definitely make a Pirates of the Caribbean experience ;-)
At least if you post some pictures here, we will feel like we have toured ;-)
maybe there should be quarterly "open house" tours
Or at least some Virtual Tours ;-)
a virtual tour would be awesome!
that's a great idea -- record for a VR tour
This is a real life tour of pick and place machines and copper PCB baths!
even better would be a VR tour from the perspective of a board being built, as it travels from chip through PCB through board into a box...
@Kathy Giori Really cool idea!
@Kathy Giori would love to see that!
Yes, I will certainly post some photos and be writing a blog, I want to make sure to reveal some more fun things while I have you ;-)
@Tenaya Hurst Please do ;-)
adesso parli italiano? (now you speak italisn?)
We will have Otto boards at Makerfaire! We are creating a new board with the number...Cinque....
And of course, I am working on some amazing initiatives for education.
Tell us more about Cinque first!
like everyone in the studio audience today will be taking home a free sample. :)
(if you can share)
Well, even Kathy knows more about this board - we will be sharing just some samples at Maker Faire with the real board of course to follow. Have you heard of Sig-5?
Where are the arduino factories located?
@Tenaya Hurst will have to see to add support for the Otto in Visuino :-) They release boards faster than I can add them :-D
The factories are in northern Italy, right where Arduino was invented in Ivrea!
Here I am at the PCB factory with the owner - by the real machine that makes Arduino teal....ooooohhhh
@Sophi Kravitz could be PWM
Here are some Arduino UNOs, just hanging out on this pallet. Don't worry, soon they will be teaching the children about Mosfets and capacitors and potentiometers. This is my kind of soldering...
I think I'm more interested in the bulk uncut PCB (without the components) as something neat to hang in the office
argh, sorry, I'm intruding in the hackchat :(
that seems more orange than it should.
@Tenaya Hurst , @Kathy Giori the Cinque a Risc-V board would *really* be an open-source board and chip.
NeatoAnd the best picture of all...sideways :-P Is the most Arduinos I've ever seen in one room!!! And the best picture of all...sideways :-P Is the most Arduinos I've ever seen in one room!!! Another board we are releasing.... is with LoRa technology!! Have you heard of it? It's ALSO for IoT!
that's a great picture
I know i'm jealous
Hi all Welcome favorite "component" I saw in the shelves of Arduino - in ITALY - is this:
Woah, what that RF connector for?
is that a new board?
So, let's review!! We have a new Cinque - Ottos are happening - Gateway & Node LoRa boards are happening - Lucky Shields are available.
Yes, love the Visuino, and yes we will have the samples at Maker Faire, but we are calling it the Cinque!
I can also announce here - for the first time, and then soon to the folks at Makerfaire: TENAYA HURST will be MAKING a WEARABLE TECH KIT with ARDUINO!!!!!!!
LoRa is really cool low power long distance Radio "technology", welll set of technologies actually
@Boian Mitov . Regards
Hi all. See here are tooCongrats, Tenaya!!
@Tenaya Hurst Thank you! :-)
I will be using the beautiful ROUND Primo Core with onboard sensors and all with a coin cell battery.
@sfrias1 Regards :-)
@Tenaya Hurst - are you going to be wearing a sample at MF?
They'll all find out soon enough...but I'm going to help teach boys how to SEW an ARDUINO into their own BASEBALL HAT!
girls too I hope ;)
Kathy, I would love to wear one...but they are still in PCB sheets and not in my clothing, this is also why my talk on Sunday at Makerfaire in Zone 4 Make Show & Tell stage - is called "My Secret Wearable Tech Dreams"
@Tenaya Hurst can't wait to have one!
that looks a lot like CircuitPlayground
Yes, we are basing the design actually off of the original Lilypad and as we offer the Yun in a small rectangular module, we wanted to offer the Primo in a round module, so it could utilize a coin cell battery. If you see some of our recent Arduino boards, any board that is connected to the IOREF pin with 3.3V, has GREY header pins
I always wondered if there is some way to prototype those on the breadboard first, before actually sewing them
The boards that run on 5.5V are still with their black header pins
because connecting jumper cables to those pads is hard
*looks up at my M0 Pro* can confirm!
STM32 open...
Primo and Primo Core also have NFC so I am dreaming up exciting applications for that in the wearable version.
You want more...I can tell...
hello all
@Tenaya Hurst we always want more of a good stroy ;-)
ou want this much more!??!
@sfrias1 STM32F4 has some ports for Linux so it is probably as open as one can expect.
@ceneblock !!
YesThinking about applications for smart clothing... Uhhh... Do tell :-)
The creator of the Wiring board, Hernando Barragan has designed a new kit for the Arduino UNO WIFI.
I helped to edit it along with our amazing designers here in Italy. The kit features 4 projects that you can do in 2 hours. This is perfect for teachers who want to offer a 2-part Arduino class, or have something special like "Arduino Fridays" and take 30 minutes of 4 class periods, spread out over a month (if the students can wait that long)
The whol effort of the kit is to make a Casetta - a mini house. We call it Arduino Casetta Smart House!
@Tenaya Hurst pictures or link for the KIT ?
@Tenaya Hurst That is interesting, does Hernando Barragan work for now?
Students will add 4 components to a breadboard next to their Arduino UNO WIFI. Then when the whole circuit is set up, students can control the mini house with our very first ARDUINO APP!!!!!!! I really love this kit, I get excited working on it, cannot wait to offer it to the Arduino fans out there, and especially teachers. Hernando wanted to create the kit with us, he is also still a professor in Columbia, I hope that we can develop more together soon.
As in Android app? Thats new
The Arduino App is customizable of course, and the most fun "maker" part of the kit is that we include some printed cards to actually make a house over your breadboard. Of course we love 3-D printing as well, so schools can also use this kit to combine with their investment in 3-D printers. Who doesn't love a good Arduino enclosure ;)
@Tenaya Hurst hmm... if I can get my hands on one of those kits, I can add support for them ;-)
Android Apps were too simple....Communication via NFC, WIfi, etc...
Twould be amazing! I have already tested some workshops at our Arduino Store - Berlin, and the Germans really liked the kit too!
any chance we get debugging in the arduino ide?
I know we're a little past our session, makers, and it is a dark and stormy night here in Lake Como! I wanted to lastly comment, yes on that IDE!
iPhone app currently (for Casetta kit)
@Tenaya Hurst Still would love to see a picture of the kit ;-)
App for mobile devices were not a problem...
@Tenaya Hurst if you send along photos later, we'll post them on the event page
@willsender I believe you can use gdb for avr. So not native, but very doable
So- we're finishing up here, Tenaya I believe wants to talk about the IDE before she runs off
Yes, thank you Sophi! Just that one more screenshot of our Casetta - and the IDE!
Following Maker Faire, this year, we have a Developer Summit! We really want to work with the community to improve the IDE and actually create a NEW software for Arduino users.
IDE ideas -- send input and we'll bring it up at May 22 dev day event. anyone at MF is welcome to stay for that.
Where should people send feedback?
who is making the IDE changes? Community, Arduino internal devs, ?
or input
sfrias1 Is too easy to make an app for IOS or Android.
Where would be our best option, Kathy?
@Sophi Kravitz - they can send to me for now and I can collate the info (
And thank you all so much for being here, we want to focus as much on the software as we do on the hardware side of design, we know that so many educators, makers, and engineers depend on the software for everything!
IDE has to be community led
led and LED :-)
has to be more collaborative
I quote myself talking to Mark Nesselhaus. "This goes beyond epic or even titanic, its a leviathon session. If I'd known these things even existed before Christmas, my friend, I would have practically chewed through my own ankle to drag myself in there. I might not even say a word but I sure as hell am going to watch that scroll up into history with the balls of my eyes. :-)" thanks
As we move into exciting IoT technology, we want to make sure that even beginners can try our more connected boards and feel confident - using examples and projects that I help to create. It's an honor and a pleasure to work for Arduino and be able to help even more students with my fun curriculum!
Thanks for the chat!
Where can you find me next? Maker Faire San Mateo, Arduino Developer & Education Summit, Berlin Mini Maker Faire, Budapest Hungary for a HUGE Arduino make-a-thon, and beyond that...I'll be here in Lake Como Italy until my big...huge...massively...SECRET Arduino project is finished...Muhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Amazing, good luck on your Arduino project, Tenaya
You are all amazing hackers!!! Keep learning, advocate for STEAM in schools! Keep up with all your hacker news right here with H-A-C-K-A-D-A-Y :-))))
Thanks Tenaya! We can't wait to see your new collab
@Tenaya Hurst and the casetta mountable prototype for the model? Can you send services : light, water, ....
Not sure I will be able to make it to the Makers Fair, quite overloaded here unfortunatelly :-( . I am sure it well be great fun :-)
Ciao Tenaya -- arrividerci! Ci vediamo la prossima settimana :)
Thank you everyone! Yes, join remotely, Maker Faire often posts videos of people walking around the booth, we'll have all our press on our websiteYes the Casetta, we will put more details out about it as well, cheers everyone! Enjoy your Friday!!
Just remember - ladies love to solder, and they are creating Arduino kits just for you!
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