
8-bit Microcontroller Hack Chat Transcript

A event log for 8-bit Microcontroller Hack Chat

Love PIC? Love AVR? Join us for an 8-bit discussion!

shulie-tornelShulie Tornel 06/09/2017 at 19:400 Comments

Garrett Scott I'm Garrett Scott, technical marketing engineer at Microchip Technolog, specifically in the 8-bit division

Yann Guidon / YGDES technical marketing engineer : is that technical, marketing, or engineering ?....

Kevin @Yann Guidon / YGDES They are indeed complicated beasties. I wound up with a couple of Spartan 3 boards. Just worked out that way. I also picked VHDL over Verilog as a starting point based on what I read about it.

Garrett Scott @Yann Guidon / YGDES yes

Garrett Scott lol

Garrett Scott I am an engineer, working in the marketing department

Yann Guidon / YGDES oh that's not XOR Garrett ?

sparky-summer One question from me: The recent datasheets (since the last 3-4 years :P) for the 8 bit PICS do not describe well the pin circuitry, such as if there are protection diodes (to vdd/gnd) on the pin. Where can I get information on this matter?

MarkAtMicrochip I'm Mark Hofmann, a Field Applications Engineer for Microchip.

equ @Al Williams thanks

Yann Guidon / YGDES Kevin : we might continue in private to keep this channel on topic :-)

Garrett Scott @edwin romero is here too

Frank Buss isn't engineering battling all the time with marketing? :-)

Sophi Kravitz welcome @edwin romero and @MarkAtMicrochip !

Kevin @Yann Guidon / YGDES I wasn't going to say any more on the topic during the chat.

Garrett Scott @Frank Buss Synergy!

Jonathan Bruneau That made my day

Frank Buss like marketing promises something that engineering says it's impossible, but I guess good to have an engineer in marketing then

Boian Mitov Hello @Garrett Scott

Lutetium here's the sheet for discussion:

MarkAtMicrochip @Frank Buss One of the nice things about being an engineer at Microchip is that most of the Marketing people either were engineers or have their engineering degree.

Frank Buss sounds like a good idea

MarkAtMicrochip So do we pull the questions on the discussion sheet and add them here?

Sophi Kravitz yes please

Shulie: So here's a question that a couple of people are interested in. Asked by ido: The modern 8-bit PICs are awesome, but are there plans to update the xc8 compiler to newer C standards, maybe even C++?

Yann Guidon / YGDES makes sense... and this retains the real engineers as customers

Sophi Kravitz +1

Frank Buss and while implementing C++ for XC8, would be nice to release the pro version for free :-)

Garrett Scott We can't tell you what's in the works, but we are always looking at the best upgrades we can provide

Jonathan Bruneau That would be nice, but I'm willing to pay for C++ support on PIC.

Sophi Kravitz here's a question from @Frank Buss : What's the point of slow and difficult to program 8 bit microcontrollers (e.g. for PICs, the optimizing C compiler costs a lot of money and has some quirks), if you can get a 32 bit ARM microcontroller like the ATSAMD09C13A for 0.62 EUR, with full optimizing GCC support?

Garrett Scott We are not working on a C++ for 8bit PICs, but there is one from a company called Boost which has one. Our recommendation is to select the best-fit architecture for a project, based on needs and requirements that can be identified at the design’s outset. 8bits are very robust with 5V support. Our newer parts are loaded with core independent peripherals, which provide reduced CPU load, thereby dropping power consumption. To get similar performance to our PRO XC8 compiler, you would need to purchase an IAR compiler. To further reduce the barrier of entry to the XC8 PRO compiler. We have released a subscription service at $30/month

Frank Buss is 5V used that much anymore? and for low power, the STM32L0 family is really nice

Garrett Scott @Kevin CIPs definitely help reduce the memory burden as well

igendel Hi, so is it going to stay MPLAB for PICs and Atmel Studio for AVRs?

Frank Buss in a low power benchmark they were one of the winners

MarkAtMicrochip @Frank Buss Yes, 5V is used a lot in industrial applications. Lots of people like the additional resolution of 5V on ADCs

Kevin @Garre

Garrett Scott @igendel For the foreseeable future, we plan on supporting both MPLAB and Atmel Studio

Garrett Scott so whatever development you are used to, there's no change needed

igendel Thanks @Garrett Scott

Kevin oops... @Garrett Scott CIPs?

Garrett Scott @Kevin Core Independent Peripherals,

Sophi Kravitz @Garrett Scott you mentioned some new developments in the peripherals...?

Garrett Scott I'll pass this one over to @edwin romero

Kevin @Garrett Scott ty. I'll check it out. I haven't looked at the Microchip website very much as my interest has always been more on the AVR side until Microchip bought up ATMEL.

Frank Buss @Kevin the difficulty is because 8 bit microcontrollers are much slower for some tasks, than an 32 bit ARM core, even worse for PIC with the 4 clocks per instruction cycle and multiple instructions which is one in ARM for some tasks, but I agree, there are some simple tasks for which PICs and AVRs might be useful

Garrett Scott @Kevin another fun thing to look at will be

Morning.Star @Frank Buss 8bit AVR does one instr per clock?

Kevin @Garrett Scott Thanks again. I've opened both pages in my browser.

Garrett Scott For everyone else who doesn't want to open that browser right now, MCC is a GUI based configuration tool which helps speed up development time

Frank Buss @Morning.Star right, AVRs are a bit better :-)

Orkhan AmirAslan Hi, @Garrett Scott. I recently got into a project where I needed an MCU w/ 4 I2C ports. For the prototype I ended up using Teensy 3.6. Is there AVR/PIC alternative w/o BGA package ?

Al Williams The defunct Ubicom SX had a PIC-like ISA and pipelined for 1 instruction per cycle. I've always wondered why you guys don't do that too. Granted the SX was a power hog, but that wasn't really the fault of the pipeline

edwin romero @Sophi Kravitz We have introduced several different core independent peripherals in the last couple of years to give customers flexibility and address their needs.

Kevin @Frank Buss They have also generally a little bit more expensive than PICs which may be one of the reasons PICs are more popular than AVR amongst some product manufacturers

edwin romero We have added vectored interrupts, DMA, peripheral disable module...

MarkAtMicrochip @Orkhan AmirAslan There are no MCU8 parts that have 4 I2C ports. However, there are 232 32-bit parts that do. There's a tool that we have on the web called MAPS at

igendel I am excited about the vectored interrupts, that's a huge step forward, although the Errata for the K42's scared me a bit :-)

Garrett Scott Going back to the MCC tool I had mentioned, you can easily configure these new peripherals and their interconnections

Shulie: Question from Synthimuse: When is there going to be support for processor load profiling? I'd like to know how many spare cycles I have in an intensely loaded interrupt-driven application.

Jonathan Bruneau Which PICs have vectored interrupts?

edwin romero The latest family with VI is the K42.

Frank Buss why would anyone need processor load profile, if someone has at least a free GPIO and a scope?

Jonathan Bruneau @edwin romero Thanks

Kevin @Frank Buss That is a technique I'm using with a current AVR based project. The downside is that it takes extra cycles to do the bit flipping of a GPIO pin.

Yann Guidon / YGDE What has really annoyed me and pushed me further in the FPGA camp : MCUs have TOO MANY options and types, and references, and yet you always end up with a limitation or another. OTOH : for FPGA you just stock and pay according to two parameters : packaging and density... the rest is p to you

Frank Buss or AVR

Jonathan Bruneau @Yann Guidon / YGDES No analog though.

Yann Guidon / YGDES Fusion has analog... expensive but it's a fantastic beast...

Jonathan Bruneau ok cool! I'll take a peek

Frank Buss found the low power benchmark: the PICs are not good too good, but granted, the STM32L series is a bit expensive and not needed for many tasks

Yann Guidon / YGDES Jonathan : link in private :-)

Jonathan Bruneau ty

Shulie: Yann asks "The new PIC32 with integrated SDRAM looks very cool, are more parts of this kind planned ?"

Garrett Scott We can't tell you what's coming up in the future, but stay tuned

Jonathan Bruneau Is the PIC32 with SDRAM out? I don't remember seeing an update on this?

Yann Guidon / YGDES thanks for not replying :-D

@Jonathan Bruneau asks 'Any intention to replace the PIC16 core with a AVR8, while keeping the same peripherals? ATTiny817 is a good start, but isn't as feature packed as, say, a PIC16F1769.'

Garrett Scott @Jonathan Bruneau we announced this last week, PIC32MZ DA family

Jonathan Bruneau @Garrett Scott ty

Garrett Scott We do not plan to replace either core, but we will cross-pollinate the best features from both architectures

Garrett Scott features = peripherals+

Jonathan Bruneau horray! I'm looking forward to it.

Yann Guidon / YGDES peripherals+software ?

edwin romero Yes, so are we.

Frank Buss would be nice to have some FPGA logic in there, because as Yann says, e.g. the time you need to figure out how to configure it for generating e.g. a PWM signal needs longer than just writing a few lines of VHDL, and then with the fixed timer registers you can't even do everything you might need

Shulie: Ooh, this one is an interesting question: The strategy to choose MIPS over ARM was bold, did that pay off over the years ? Asked by Yannnn

Garrett Scott @Yann Guidon / YGDES peripherals, software, tools, etc

Garrett Scott I'm just the 8bit guy....but I'm glad that we have both in our family

Frank Buss didn't Atmel have a microcontroller with FPGA blocks in it?

Yann Guidon / YGDES Frank : Atmel has (had) a line of CPLDs (I know, I tried to get started with them last year) and... well... it's a disappointment, a dead end for this family of chips... But they could reuse the IP and integrate it in other products, please....

Garrett Scott @Frank Buss One peripheral we have is the CLC, configurable logic cell,

Yann Guidon / YGDES CLutCh ? (sorry, I'm ohmless, I couldn't resist)

Garrett Scott @Frank Buss also, the AVRs have the CCL

Jonathan Bruneau I've played with the CCL, more like a classic FPGA MUX logic configuration. Both the CLC and CCL are nice.

edwin romero Here at MCHP we love our TLAs

Frank Buss how many logic cells do I have with CLC? if it were me, you could just remove all the timers, UARTs etc., just give me a microcontroller core and a few thousand LUTs to implement whatever peripheral I need

Jonathan Bruneau @Frank Buss That would be awesome.

Yann Guidon / YGDES Frank : hmmmm good :-) or just use a FPGA and implement your own PIC or AVR core in VHDL or Verilog, I've seen a few...

Garrett Scott One part which has the CLC is the PIC16F15386 product family, if anyone is interested and I can send out a board to first 50 PMs

Frank Buss @Kevin that's not efficient, a hard core is useful, as known from the Xilinx Zynq


Yann Guidon / YGDES Garrett : there's "386" in the number, can't be bad ;-) I'm in !

Sophi Kravitz @Garrett Scott people should PM you right now to get a free board?

Garrett Scott Yeah!

Yann Guidon / YGDES done :-)

edwin romero #freePICs

Kevin @Frank Buss I also saw a reference to a discussion on the Microchip site about using an AVR with an external FPGA.

Sophi Kravitz done :)

Yann Guidon / YGDES even better, bare PICs ? :-P

Sophi Kravitz I thought it was a dev board

igendel FPGA folks, have your fun by all means but please leave us others some peripherals :-)

Sophi Kravitz LOL

Sophi Kravitz ok, back to the question sheet: Next 2 Qs from @orkan : Q1. Any future plan to make Atmel Studio available for MAC and/or Linux? Q2. Any intention to merge MPLAB and Atmel Studio?

Al Williams Many years ago I used to sell a board that was a PIC with a CPLD (baby FPGA, more or less). Never very popular, but did sell a fair number of them

Kevin oh, yes please. I run Linux only these days.

Sophi Kravitz hi @Al Williams !

Al Williams I will second that. Hi @Sophi Kravitz

Yann Guidon / YGDES there are tiny FPGA, I have some stock of Antti's #ProAsic3-Stamp which was provided with an AVR core clone :-)

Frank Buss isn't there a license problem when using an AVR core in a FPGA?

Yann Guidon / YGDES AVR8 is so old, ask Antti ?

Frank Buss or maybe someone from Mirochip :-)

Garrett Scott @Sophi Kravitz my hands are tied, I can't tell you anything that's coming out in the future

Garrett Scott but I'm happy to answer questions about the current products, tools, or whatever else

Yann Guidon / YGDES but writing AVR core in HDL is a school exercise, it's pretty neat. Another friend made his own PIC16F clone too, it's less straight-forward....

edwin romero By the way bare PIC @

Frank Buss I remember there were some ISAs which had patented algorithms

Kevin If Atmel Studio was to become available for MacOS, please also make it for Linux. I've seen some companies release something for Mac but not make it for Linux. There shouldn't be that much difference to the code required to make something also available to run on Linux.

edwin romero ;)

Shulie: "The recent datasheets (since the last 3-4 years :P) for the 8 bit PICS do not describe well the pin circuitry, such as if there are protection diodes (to vdd/gnd) on the pin. Where can I get information on this matter?" question by @sparky-summer

Yann Guidon / YGDES Thanks Edwin, free samples helped me considerably when I started as a broke independent engineer :-) I owe samples so much !

edwin romero @Yann Guidon / YGDES Always happy to help!

Yann Guidon / YGDE I could make some prototypes then get the customer to pay for the real order

Garrett Scott @sparky-summer the datasheet will be your best bet. Another option is to reach out to your local Microchip representative,

Yann Guidon / YGDES unfortunately, the samples programs have been used and heavily abused by others :-( do you have remarks about this ?

edwin romero @Yann Guidon / YGDES Make sure to contact Scott to get your hands on the free eval board

Yann Guidon / YGDES I did Edwin, thanks !

edwin romero @Garrett Scott

Garrett Scott @Yann Guidon / YGDES there's always a few bad apples in a bunch...

sparky-summer @Garrett Scott The datasheet says less than I need to know :P

Sophi Kravitz We've got just a couple more questions, and we're running out of time

Sophi Kravitz next q?

Sophi Kravitz Q :: Is there any decent free development toolchain for PIC on Mac/Linux? Last time I tried to get into PIC as a hobbyist I haven't found any.

Al Williams


How-to: Program PICs using Linux

Arguably, Microchip's PIC microcontrollers do not get enough posts here. One of the drawbacks for some of us is that Linux support for PICs is not very well known. The information is out there, but no one has laid out the process of going from writing C code to programming a chip.

Read this on Hackaday >

Kevin hm... that topic came up on the ##microcontroller channel a while back.

Garrett Scott MPLAB X is free, and XC8 has a free mode, as well as the assembler

Frank Buss MPLAB X works fine on Linux, I'm using this

Garrett Scott Also, MPLAB Xpress is a free, cloud-based IDE which works on all browsers and OSs

Garrett Scott


MPLAB Xpress | Microchip Technology Inc.

Read this on Microchip >

Kevin suggests sdcc

Frank Bussthat's an article from 2010...

Al Williams I have used MPLabX also... and for device programming, PCIP as mentioned

Al Williams but also

Al Williams



minipro - An open source program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers

Kevin @Frank Buss The compiler is still around at

Todd has anyone tried ? I've got it installed into my Atom editor (I'm a web dev foremost) but haven't tried it yet. Oh, it says it only supports PIC32.

Garrett Scott We have to start wrapping up, just one more question from anyone?

Shulie: How about this one: What is the biggest market segment for 8bit MCUs?

igendel I saw there are some Arduino-related tracks in the upcoming MASTERs conference, is that an official collaboration?

Garrett Scott Honestly, we see our 8bit devices being used across so many segments, it would be hard to pick out one frontrunner

Garrett Scott literally, you name it and we're probably in it

Jonathan Bruneau Have some example segments

Yann Guidon / YGDES or 7 segments ?

Garrett Scott @Jonathan Bruneau Industrial, automotive, health care, smoke detectors, lighting, power, solar, IoT, home automation...

Jonathan BruneaSolar! Fancy that!

Frank Buss do you have radiation hardened 8 bit microcontrollers? might be useful to use them in CubeSats

Kevin I was a little more surprised to see smoke detectors listed.

Garrett Scott @igendel I'm not familiar with the particular track at Master's, but we do collaborate with Arduino

igendel Thanks @Garrett Scott

Yann Guidon / YGDE Bonus question : I'm curious of the design tools, CAD and other things used to design the chips at Microchip, any hint about how they are developed ?

Boian Mitov Thank you @Garrett Scott

@Frank Buss for info on that,

Frank Bus thanks

Sophi Kravitz thanks for joining us @Garrett Scott !

Sophi Kravitz we'll be posting a transcript shortly :)

Yann Guidon / YGDES That was kind of you to come and chat :-)

Garrett Scott Thanks everybody!

Kevin @Frank Buss IIRC, I recently discovered that the 8-bit 1802 microprocessor is still being sold. They have a radiation hardened version, IIRC.

Al Williams @Frank Buss The Atmel guys told me they had a Rad Hard ATMega coming before the merger

Sophi Kravitz thank you @edwin romero and @MarkAtMicrochip as well!

Garrett Scott I'll be getting those boards out to everyone soon!

Brad @Frank Buss Atmel has some rad hardened chips that are pretty similar to other AVRs. I fly atmels on the ISS, with no special considerations for radiation.

Al Williams Hey @Brad... do I know you? lol

Shulie: For anyone who needs it: Transcript here:

edwin romero Thanks everyone!

igendel Thanks Microchip! Also, your representative in Israel is awesome :-)

Brian McEvoy Thank you for the chat, everyone.

Frank Buss says:1:03 PM

@Brad cool, but I guess on the ISS is less radiation?

Jonathan Brunea This was fun. Thanks for your time.

Kevin It was tempting to go for one of the boards but I have enough devices on my workbench already. :)

Kevin Thank you to all of you at Microchip.

Yann Guidon / YGDES Kevin : me too but "you never know" and having the right chip to do the work is worth some... shelf space :-D

Brad @Frank Buss Eh, LEO in general is pretty low radiation. /Most/ Cubesats don't fly much/any higher than the ISS. You do get a little bit of shielding since the ISS is full of crap, though

Kevin @Yann Guidon / YGDES true
