
Baby steps to solve bigger problems

A event log for Hackaday World Create Day at LearnOBots Labs

We will be doing a Hackathon to celebrate the World Create Day

kamalKamal 03/17/2018 at 19:350 Comments

Kids who have been coming to us for about six months come up with nice little ideas and build some problem-solving project utilizing what they know about technology so far. On this Saturday they made and presented their builds.

Ohh the venue is not open yet. Without wasting anytime, Abeer is working on her interactive waste bin. It asks people to feed trash in and indicates when its full.

Taha and Haya showcase their water level indicator. Good presentation !

Mustafa's 'Dosea' -an intelligent medicine dispenser that would only dispense the required amount of medicine at the right time as fixed by the doctor.

  Some other colorful entrees that made our day 
