
A first feeback report...RasPowermeter Project

A event log for WCD Jena

Come to Jena Hackspace for the World Create Day. Create an idea and build it together with others! Just come, we will be open all day long!

gecko-bilobaGecko Biloba 03/23/2018 at 21:180 Comments

With the log on the RasPowermeter project, we have our first feedback report about the WCD2018 Jena event.

"Every journey starts with a first sip of Tschunk! In this case a Tschunk Slushie! So did 5 people in Krautspace on Saturday the 17th of March. It was World Create Day 2018 in Jena and we 5 people had previously discussed that our hackerspace needed a way to measure and store the power consumption data to be in control to minimize our power consumption and save some Euros. So we arranged a personal meetup during the WCD2018 to not just talk about how cool it would be to have something like this, but also to build it.[...]"

Read it here in full length.

We hope you like it and also give it a like. Each like will be 1$$$ during the Hackday Prize 2018.


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