
Craft workshop

A hackerspace log for Hackgyver 2.0

Hackgyver is non-profit association (under the French law of 1901) where members discuss and develop various kinds of projects.

xylitolXylitol 12/18/2014 at 23:060 Comments

After seeing this, we thought it was a good idea to make another workshop project.
AVR are totally awesome and making some boards of Craft is a good idea to honor the demoscene and LFT.

Here is an Eagle typon that one of our member did because no 'proper' typon was available:


Please note that we use a terminal block instead of a 9V battery snap connector like in the board of Linus Akesson, our rooting design goes directly to the AVR, so don't give him 9V.
Board layout can be found here:

PCB pictures:

Finally in action:
