
News from the Hackerspace

A hackerspace log for Hackgyver 2.0

Hackgyver is non-profit association (under the French law of 1901) where members discuss and develop various kinds of projects.

xylitolXylitol 01/21/2016 at 00:180 Comments

Hello ladies and gentlemen/robots/everyone, it's been a while since we have posted the last log !
So we proudly present you today a 3D version of our logo.
Tell us what you think about it in comments, but we have also some important news to pass.

We are now also open Friday night and a digicode has been installed on the entrance, if you are an external visitor please inform us first about your visit at contact☆ to avoid being stuck in front of the door !

These things said, Hackgyver successfully renewed his association committee (president and treasurer) during the general assembly who occur each year in order to elect the new council.
Congratulation to the new elected council of 19 Nov 2015, may the force be with us for the 2016 season !

RetrohAsh and Xylitol, formerly president and treasurer of 2014-2015.

Picture of the hackerspace on 09-16, hackers (in both senses of the term!) and a lot of alcohol (not visible on this image!)

To get back on the logo fork, we designed it with Solidworks, full resolution images can be found on our Wiki, and the .STL on Thinginverse.

Flat version:

3D Print:

May be used/distributed as badge and pin's for future events !
