
Hackgyver 2.0

A hackerspace log for Hackgyver 2.0

Hackgyver is non-profit association (under the French law of 1901) where members discuss and develop various kinds of projects.

xylitolXylitol 02/07/2025 at 16:380 Comments

The Hackerspace Hackgyver is back !
New association, new administration, new members, new projects!
Stilll in Belfort, Almost at same location !

Yes we are back, since the 13 November 2024, we have a discord and since 2 weeks now, the UTBM CrunchLab is hosting us
for our meet each thursday at 18h30.

The CrunchLab is near the place of our first location, on Techn'hom.
Rue Becquerel Bâtiment 14, 90000 Belfort.

CrunchLab parking lot in yellow:

See you space cowboy…
