
Dissolution of the hackerspace

A hackerspace log for Hackgyver 2.0

Hackgyver is non-profit association (under the French law of 1901) where members discuss and develop various kinds of projects.

xylitolXylitol 04/27/2017 at 16:350 Comments

During the last general assembly the dissolution was voted and so, approved unanimously.
Thanks for all the fun and check the hackerspace details or the mailing list for more informations.

It's not over, we plan to form a new association (this time it would be probably under a 'fablab' banner, but still with the hackerspace spirit.)
We count on you to be present at the meeting next saturday (29 April 2017) to discuse about all of this in the rantanplan room of UTBM.
Members, please check the mailing list for info and plans.

Thank you for all the fun, and hopefully, see you in the new base !
