This is a simple example of zero cost abstractions that might make your code easier to read.
I really like the structure of the for loop in python. It almost sounds like a normal English sentence and is therefore more intuitive to understand.
for item in iterable:
I wanted a similar syntax in C. This can easily be done with two macros.
The COUNT_OF macro is from the Chromium code base and computes the number of elements in a C array.
The FOR_IN macro takes a data type, variable name, array reference and code to execute with the variable. It constructs a normal C for loop with these inputs.
for(type *var = list; var < (type *)(list+COUNT_OF(list)); var++){
In the following code you can see both macros and some code using them.
#include <stdio.h>
#define COUNT_OF(x) ((sizeof(x)/sizeof(0[x])) / ((size_t)(!(sizeof(x) % sizeof(0[x])))))
#define FOR_IN(VAR, LIST, \
for(typeof(LIST[0]) *VAR = LIST; VAR < (typeof(LIST[0]) *)(LIST + COUNT_OF(LIST)); VAR++)\
typedef struct {
char c;
} foo_s_t;
unsigned int ints[] = {1, 2, 3};
void main(void) {
FOR_IN(i_p, ints, {
printf("%d\n", *i_p);
foo_s_t foos[] = {
{.c = 'H'},
{.c = 'i'}
FOR_IN(foo_s_p, foos, {
printf("%c", foo_s_p->c);
This is the resulting output.
$ ./a.out 1 2 3 Hi
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