
Do The Carpentry

c-prichardC. Prichard wrote 06/12/2015 at 14:39 • 1 min read • Like

Apply Trigonometry to determine point to point length of the rear brace, and its point of intersection with the main inclined panel support. Result is a support surface for solar panels at desired inclination. Screws fasten the panels to wood above and below each panel.

INPUTS: BASE, Inclination (IL)

DEFINE the side holding the panels: Y

DEFINE the rear vertical brace: X


Y:= BASE/sin(IL)

X:= cos(IL) * Y

I used a 48-inch 4x4 base. It is sturdy.

The mount can be anchored with a bag or two of sand across the base. An adjustable mount would be nice for winter at my location.

