

stefan-xpStefan-Xp wrote 07/29/2015 at 19:39 • 1 min read • Like

Feels like they are laughing at me :-(

Too sad my skills may be to limited to use one...



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Eric Hertz wrote 07/30/2015 at 00:13 point

Those are pretty!

PWM, man... you did it with the BLDC project, no?

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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/30/2015 at 06:48 point

Do you think it is possible to use PWM on those?

With the first one which i tried the Maximum Value was already reached by connecting my Bench Supply with 0V and 0A. Do you have a Knowledge Source?

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Eric Hertz wrote 07/30/2015 at 10:38 point

LOL 0V and 0A! Must be a measurement/calibration error on your bench-supply ;)

Sure it could be done. You could use a potentiometer as a voltage-divider, not sure about the math, but try out a really large value potentiometer like 100k, tie its two sides to, say, 5V and GND, rotate the wiper 'till it's to the GND side (measure it before pegging-out your meters with 5V!), attach a meter to the wiper-output, then *slowly* adjust...

definitely PWM will work, (probably best through a voltage-divider), if you fancy to... inductive-loads are perfect for PWM

All those projects you've got up, and no experience with voltage-dividers?

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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/30/2015 at 21:50 point

Well you are right, have to try that :) Just have to find a 100k or something Potentiometer ;)

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davedarko wrote 07/29/2015 at 22:16 point

laughing as in smiling? don't be shy, they're just tools, tools are there to be used!

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Stefan-Xp wrote 07/30/2015 at 06:46 point

unfortunately more like taunting ... :-/

At least i got them an the Flea Market for 11€ ;)

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