
The Analog Gauge Test

stefan-xpStefan-Xp wrote 09/08/2015 at 19:52 • 2 min read • Like

Finaly i had the mood and time to try one of the Analog Gauges. Please read more to find out more ;)

I told you they tounted me...

I created the following Arduino Code. Its not to difficult to read and awesomely short.

I just thought about Eliots Blog Post about State Machines and decided, that i have to sleep over it ;) (Even not sure if possible to use with Arduino...)

 * Increasing and Decreasing Analog Gauge Value via PWM
 * Analog Gauge is attached to pin 9 in series with a ~ 3.3K resistor
 * Crted by Stefan-Xp

const byte GaugePinNo = 9;              // Pin which the Gauge is connected to
const int GaugeDelayBetweenSteps = 50;  // Time Delay, which is taken between the Value changes
byte GaugeValue = 0;                    // Actual Gauge Value
byte State = 0;                         // Actual State: 0 = Count up, 1 = Count down

void setup() { 
  // Set the Pin to Output
  pinMode(GaugePinNo, OUTPUT); 
  // Initialise Serial Port
  Serial.println("Analoginstrument Test");

// This function writes the Value to the Output and prints the Value via Serial
byte write_Value (byte Value)
  // Set PWM Value
  analogWrite(GaugePinNo, Value);
  // Write Data on Serial Port
  Serial.print("Value: ");
  // Select next State ...
  if (Value == 0)
    State = 0; // Value reached 0, so beginn to count up
  if (Value == 255)
    State = 1; // Value reached 255, so beginn to count down

void loop()
  // Decide if should count down or up
  // Execute
  // Wait for next Cycle

Schematic of the Circuit:

Video of the Moving Gauge Value:



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davedarko wrote 09/08/2015 at 20:28 point

Yay, awesome! What's the purpose of the resistor? And what is the analog gauge used before?

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Stefan-Xp wrote 09/08/2015 at 20:41 point

The resistor limits the flowing current? Its almost the same principle as @esot.eric proposed... ;)

I have no clue what it was used before... it says "Antennenstrom" (en: ~ Antennacurrent) on the Display.

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davedarko wrote 09/08/2015 at 20:59 point

current... that's what I was asking for, thanks :) so 5V / 3.3kOhm is 1.5mA (looks like the same value written in your schematics) and if it is a current meter, it would relate to that? But why does the meter show a scale up to ten then? I'm confused. 

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Stefan-Xp wrote 09/08/2015 at 21:23 point

I don't know... in general all Drehspulanzeigeelemente show a value related to the flowing current.

Would be interessting to know where that Gauge was used and what for.

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Eric Hertz wrote 09/09/2015 at 14:35 point

I think they usually work on very low current... doesn't take much magnetic force to move a needle ;)

Glad to see this working, I'm inspired to do something now! Actually, have been recently contemplating messing around with the pick-up heads on old DVD/CD drives, or possibly the head on a hard-disk, which work nearly identically to these gauges (but don't look nearly as cool).

Nicely done :)

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Stefan-Xp wrote 09/09/2015 at 18:26 point

Thank you! Now i just need to think about a project with those ;)

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