
If you like, click this link once a week.

zakqwyzakqwy wrote 01/28/2016 at 12:49 • 1 min read • Like

I've been slacking a bit lately, but I spent some time this morning catching up--scrolling through all of the newest projects until I found a few I recognized from my last go-around. I try to do this once a week, clicking through to projects that pique my interest, leaving comments (encouragement, suggestion, etc) where appropriate, and skulling/following stuff I want to watch in the future.

Occasionally, I also check this list for stuff I missed, or projects that might have gotten more documentation at a later date:

If you're serious about helping build a vibrant community on, you should do the same. Pay it forward today and know that you'll get buckets of useful feedback when you post your own projects!



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PointyOintment wrote 03/14/2016 at 17:50 point

I used to do that literally every day, and I do it most days now that I'm back on the site. I'm following several hundred projects now as a result :D

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Alex Rich wrote 03/08/2016 at 19:25 point

agreed, my go-to is the recently updated view because it shows new projects but also gets me to re-look at projects that are getting updated on a regular basis.

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davedarko wrote 01/30/2016 at 13:03 point

And then there was deejayjaunty giving us a gallery of himself.

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 01/30/2016 at 15:49 point

Right next to poorly copy-pasted compilation of quasi-scientific babble, similar to other nano-super-bullshit-technology projects from that author.

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/29/2016 at 04:30 point

Good call. Tried doing this long ago, but never caught up... maybe it's a good idea to just start now... Sorry to all the oldies I missed!

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zakqwy wrote 01/29/2016 at 12:58 point

Nah, no apologies man! Means you've got a delightful rainy day activity ahead of you. Er, snowy day activity, I suppose. 

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Eric Hertz wrote 01/29/2016 at 14:03 point

Good call...

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jaromir.sukuba wrote 01/28/2016 at 14:59 point

This should be default page, IMHO; with the added benefit @davedarko mentioned. For me, feed counter is nonfunctional, as the default page redirects me to feed.

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zakqwy wrote 01/28/2016 at 20:53 point

Yeah, agreed. Everyone should have to look at new projects when they first log in!

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PointyOintment wrote 03/14/2016 at 17:53 point

It is the default sort order when you click on Projects, unless it's changed recently. But yeah, going directly to the feed when logging in if I wasn't starting from somewhere else is annoying because it zeroes the unread counter.

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davedarko wrote 01/28/2016 at 13:20 point

That's the first page I go to in the morning - this way I'll also see how many updates there are in my feed :)

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zakqwy wrote 01/28/2016 at 20:53 point


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