
Smart Cat

eric-hertzEric Hertz wrote 10/13/2016 at 12:27 • 2 min read • Like

One would have to be a fool not to acknowledge the symmetry of this...

Is it a dog...? She had a run-in with the neighbor-dog today... the first interaction they've really had... He's got a really short/stubby tail, and really short legs...

Also, I make "soup" for her by pouring some of her water into the kibble... Numerous times I've found her water dish tipped over toward the kibble-dish. Recently I found kibble-remains sitting at the bottom of the water-dish.

I feel an inexplicable urge to carve her likeness out of stone.

Or maybe the 16x16 display I've got running on an AVR, the one with the resistive-touch-screen would give her more artistic outlets...



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davedarko wrote 10/13/2016 at 15:26 point

ask her to write the avatar algorithm, this looks like a good 8x8 motive! (Generative) Default Avatar

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Eric Hertz wrote 10/13/2016 at 15:57 point

ROTFL! How could I have not seen it?!

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