

bruce-landBruce Land wrote 03/02/2014 at 13:38 • 2 min read • Like

Teaching ECE 4760 | ECE 5760 | ECE 5030 | Student Designs | ytube


ECE 4760 lecture 2012.

I teach three courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering this year, ECE 4760 in the fall and ECE 5760 and ECE5030 in the spring. ECE 4760 covers microcontrollers as components in electronic design. ECE 5760 deals with system-on-chip design using Verilog and C to design FPGA circuits for embedded applications. Both courses have an extensive, 5-week, design component. ECE5030 covers the theory and practical aspects of recording and analyzing electronic data collected from biological systems. Student designs contains undergraduate and Masters of Engineering work in ECE and Neurobiology done since 1998. An Older Material link contains other web-documented courses.



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Mike Maluk wrote 11/01/2015 at 12:24 point

Thank you so much for posting these videos. I haven't managed to get through most of them, but I plan to. Some extremely valuable information presented in a very natural fashion. Wish there were more professors with your teaching style!

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