
My DEF CON 26 Talk Notes

twinkletwinkieTwinkleTwinkie wrote 08/11/2018 at 19:35 • 1 min read • Like

Update 10/04/2019 - Getting to Blinky 5.0

Contextual Electronics just updated their tutorial series to KiCAD 5.  I recommend that you start here.

[This area is out of date, leaving for posterity.]

Getting To Blinky 4.0

This is where I recommend everyone start for learning KiCAD.  It's an entirely step-by-step tutorial that  gives you the foundational knowledge required for using KiCAD.

Keep in mind this Tutorial was written for KiCAD 4.0 and KiCAD 5.0 is a little different.  I would recommend installing KiCAD 4.0, following Chris's tutorials, do a couple of simple projects for fun, then upgrade to KiCAD 5.0.   Chris is working on an updated 5.0 series but if you want to start now that is what I would recommend.

[/end of out of date]

svg2shenzhen Inkscape Extension

This is the plugin that I talked extensively about and use a great deal for my projects.

How I make Shitty Add-ons

This is the stream I did in June on how to make SAOs.  

PCB Color Reference Spreadsheet

This applies only to PCBWay, and is only meant to give you a rough idea of what to expect.

