
Seeed PCB arrived!

magicwolfiMagicWolfi wrote 11/20/2018 at 02:40 • 2 min read • Like

Recently I got the opportunity to order PCBs from Seeed Studio through their Fusion PCB service. As you can see from the pictures it is a more artistic than complicated PCB and the quality is outstanding. I designed the board with relaxed spec of 7/7mil trace width/spacing and 0.3mm hole size, which fit perfectly in the most price competitive option. Registration of all layers, including soldermask and silkscreen is excellent, everything is centered and no unwanted overlapping onto the pads. Also the PCB outline is routed all the way around and the break-off tabs are not noticeable at all. 

Also the silkscreen resolution really good, virtually no steps are visible on angled or curved lines, which makes it very usable for advanced graphics.

Pricing is competitive when using the HASL option and the standard 2-layer 100mm x 100mm size restriction. I went for HASL lead free, as the boards are intended to be sold in my Tindie store once all parts arrive. The circuit is operational with a mock-up LED and the FR4 substrate acts as a nice diffusion layer for the light.

I opted for shipping through DHL which took 4 days from China to Canada to the local depot, and another 4 days for the local contractor to deliver because they ignored my instruction for pickup at the depot. This is not controllable by anybody at the shipping or receiving end, so it was just bad luck for me. Other shipping options are available.

