
Biohacking Daren.

masterofnullMasterOfNull wrote 04/30/2019 at 04:58 • 2 min read • Like

At the beach the other day and stuff started to go flying.  Reflexes got the better of me, but I didn't shoot the sheriff.  I tried to grab for the stuff just as it was going under a fence rail.

I nicked the edge of the fence with the center two nails on my left hand.  Both nails split, and folded back.  OW.  I did catch the plastic bag I was grabbing for though.  Success?

The split nails kept catching on stuff after that, and bending more.  More OW.

So I super glue the split.  Not the fleshy bits, just the nail itself.  Super glue in the fleshy bits is bad.

That lasted for about a day, and broke again while putting on a pair of socks.  Fail...

I recalled how super glue reacts with paper fibre basically instantly curing. (it is exothermic, so be careful...)

So I super glued them both again, but this time embedded a tiny bit of paper towel over the top to bridge the crack.  

This worked so well, I'm here writing about it.  A bit of clear nail polish and the paper towel almost disappears too.

I accidentally opened a can of soda with that fingernail today and didn't scream in pain.  I'd call that a success.

