The Autognorics Approach to the Problem of Defining Life.
Many thinkers, past and present, have tried to solve the underlying nature of Life. Yet, no one has ever categorically expressed the exact concrete description of the nature, scope, or meaning of life, until a new school of thought known as Originemology was conceptualized by Joey Lawsin in 1988.
A wrong theory, a wrong experiment, a wrong observation means a wrong result. When the bases are incorrect, the outcomes are incorrect. This is a natural fact. For example, the theory of consciousness can not be explained properly because its theoretical and philosophical bases are wrong. Even the words alive, aware, conscious, intelligent, and self-conscious, which are associated with consciousness or with life, are always interchanged and misinterpreted to be all one and the same.
In this article, we will correct these faults by introducing fresh ideas in Autognorics, the science of engineered life forms (SELFS), from where one of its basic precepts proposes that Life is an evolutionary process. Life is a sequential progression that begins from being alive to being with life.
These six signatures of life are addressed herein in outline form rather than as a detailed thesis since most of them were partially discussed on this site. A seed specimen or reproducible prototype called ELFS or engineered life-forms is experimentally designed here to address predictions, anticipate behaviors, discover fresh perspectives, and redefine the meaning of being alive or with life. In lieu of the aneural model, neural specimens such as dogs, mice, birds, fish, plants, and molds are utilized as well in this research. In order to produce non-bias findings, both neural and aneural entities are included in the experiment to eliminate the misguided overrated concept that consciousness, one of the six signatures of life, emerges solely in the brain. A big misconception that is always oversight by researchers in various fields of consciousness or theory of mind.
Consciousness does not need to emanate from the brain, an organ where the mind seats. To be conscious, one only needs three requirements: mechanical, sensoric, and aneural. This conclusion is based on the autognoric theory that claims Life evolved into six sequential orders or stages, namely, (i) Mechanical Aliveness, (ii) Sensoric Awareness, (iii) Associative Consciousness, (iv) Logical Intuitiveness, (v) Aneural Inlearness, and (vi) Symbiotic Lifeness.
To be continued ...
*Engineered Life Forms System
*Biotronics Inverse Reverse Theory
WRIT = Reverse Inverse Theory = "That which is Written."
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