Plated slots for OSHPark in KiCAD
09/14/2015 at 20:01 • 0 commentsI have always thought that OSHPark do not support plated slots at all.
But this is actually not true anymore, they (OSHPark) just don't officially support it ;-)
You apparently have to mark the plated slots on the outline/edge layer for the fab-house to note as described here:
A more in-detail description on how to do this in KiCAD can be found here:
- Draw a line on the outline/edge layer and set its diameter to the slot's width, it's as simple as that
If you follow the instructions, OSHPark should give you a preview with plated slots (and hopefully the fab-house will do as isntructed, too).
- Draw a line on the outline/edge layer and set its diameter to the slot's width, it's as simple as that
WANTED: Chimaera Beta Testers
12/31/2014 at 08:30 • 0 commentsAfter a high interest at Maker Faire Rome, we are now running a beta-testing campaign to collect more comprehensive feedback of first-hand experiences of our final Chimaera prototype design from interested individuals. Get in contact with us for a month of free testing (excl. shipping).
Chimaera wins FIRST PRICE at "WIZnet connect the Magic 2014 design challenge"
09/22/2014 at 09:01 • 0 comments -
Chimaera S96 in action
09/02/2014 at 16:01 • 0 comments -
Meet us @ Maker Faire Rome 2014
08/30/2014 at 14:41 • 0 commentsWe will have a booth at Maker Faire Rome 2014: http://makerfairerome.eu
Meet us there and lay your hands on one of the most expressive open electronic misuc instruments:
The Chimaera - a poly-magneto-phonic theremin: http://open-music-kontrollers.ch/chimaera/
Scalable SVG formulae on hackaday.io via Latex
08/16/2014 at 13:43 • 0 commentsDo you need to add some nice-looking rescalable formula to your project at hackaday.io?
Here is a simple way to accomplish it starting from a Latex document with custom dimensions with white formula on white background, compiling it to PDF via pdflatex and converting it to SVG via pdf2svg.
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage[paperheight=20ex,paperwidth=60ex,margin=0ex]{geometry} \usepackage{color} \thispagestyle{empty} \color[rgb]{1,1,1} \begin{document} \begin{eqnarray*} B_n &=& \frac{B - B_{min}}{B_{max} - B_{min}} \\ y_n &=& c_0 \cdot \sqrt[3]{B_n} + c_1 \cdot \sqrt{B_n} + c_2 \cdot B_n \end{eqnarray*} \end{document}
Compile with:
>> pdflatex formula.tex >> pdf2svg formula.pdf formula.svg
Now upload it to some web space and simply link to it on your hackaday.io project log and you have a nice looking and scalable formula: