I saw a post about a 'new product' for repairing a cracked windshield where the product wicked into the crack and filled it. It looked optically transparent for the demo.
The naysayers of the post were touting that you could use superglue to achieve the same effect.
Tried that... It worked! Mostly...
So now begins the journey of finding a more suitable material, as close to the index of refraction of the glass as possible, and in my possession.
On hand so far I have....
Gel coat nail polish primer (UV cure)
I have a vacuum pump and the ability to make thingies to draw said material into the void of the crack.
I recently needed a foot switch to control a DC load.
This was actually for a hot wire foam cutter I winged, and it worked great... as long as I did not let the wire heat for too long without actually cutting material.
To mitigate the latter restriction, I added a foot switch. By shorting across the plug on a stock intermittent AC foot switch, you then you get your switched output from the mains terminals on the cord end.
Yes, a binder clip was sufficient for the current I needed. :)
At the beach the other day and stuff started to go flying. Reflexes got the better of me, but I didn't shoot the sheriff. I tried to grab for the stuff just as it was going under a fence rail.
I nicked the edge of the fence with the center two nails on my left hand. Both nails split, and folded back. OW. I did catch the plastic bag I was grabbing for though. Success?
The split nails kept catching on stuff after that, and bending more. More OW.
So I super glue the split. Not the fleshy bits, just the nail itself. Super glue in the fleshy bits is bad.
That lasted for about a day, and broke again while putting on a pair of socks. Fail...
I recalled how super glue reacts with paper fibre basically instantly curing. (it is exothermic, so be careful...)
So I super glued them both again, but this time embedded a tiny bit of paper towel over the top to bridge the crack.
This worked so well, I'm here writing about it. A bit of clear nail polish and the paper towel almost disappears too.
I accidentally opened a can of soda with that fingernail today and didn't scream in pain. I'd call that a success.
Our toilet started burping when you flushed it. Not very pleasant.
That's a good indicator that your vent stack is plugged up.
Rather than removing the 10mm of adhesive securing the vent stack cap, and then messing around with a snake (ewwww), I made a tool.
It fits over the entire vent stack cap and against the adhesive, which pressurized it when I turned on the water.
Problem solved, 5 min, no mess.
Make sure the drain is open when you do this, as you are pressurizing the only inlet, or what ends up in the black tank would probably end up in the RV.
Gmail strips the periods added between first and last name, and will happily deliver all your mail sent to first<insert period(s)>lastname@gmail.com to firstlastname@gmail.com
Most sites count that as seperate emails, allowing you to have multiple accounts, with the same email.