
App-a-day - added tvservice app

A project log for pyLCI - Linux Control Interface

Makes Raspberry Pi accessible, portable and easily configurable.

aryaArya 04/19/2016 at 18:000 Comments

First day of app-a-day! Being featured by Makezine is a great way to start a week like that ;-) Hope I can keep up and have 5 apps by Saturday.

I've got a tvservice app and it's now possible to issue basic tvservice commands from pyLCI! What does it mean? You can easily change HDMI output resolution on your Raspberry Pi without keyboard/command-line!

What's there?

What's missing?

Some thoughts:

  1. I do need a dialog box UI element. Would fit well in "Do you want to restart X?" situation, as that's likely to require user input.
  2. I do need app making guidelines, but I haven't yet formulated them well enough to start writing.

Started an Arduino driver. However, I'm feeling sleepy and I need to assemble hardware to test it - and being sleepy & hardware don't mix well. Good night to me!

Oh, I forgot to post this build log =) Lemme fix it now...


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