I found the Holy Grail: THE manual. Over 400 pages long epic journey through the innards of 7811. Neat! It was soo sexy that I even printed it out. And what do you know, I found an explanation for those illegal opcodes and other instructions making no sense whatsoever: there are two nice opcodes: TABLE and JB. The first one puts the current value of program counter incremented by 3 and whatever lies in the accumulator into the C register and does the same (but this time +4 instead of +3) with the B register. The latter instruction performs a jump to the address pointed by the register pair B:C. So basically if there is any data after TABLE and JB opcodes, it's the jump table - not instructions. That's why some of them were senseless and others illegal.
00000E8E: 48 A8 TABLE
00000E90: 21 JB ; jump to addres pointed by BC
00000E91: 29 LDAX (BC) ; if A = 0, jump to $1429
00000E92: 14 05 14 LXI BC,$1405 ; if A = 1, jump to $1405
00000E95: 5C 14 BIT 4,VV:14 ; if A = 2, jump to $145C
00000E97: B8 RET ; ...
00000E98: 14 06 0F LXI BC,$0F06 ; ...
00000E9B: 06 illegal ; ...
00000E9C: 0F MOV A,L
00000E9D: 06 illegal
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