
Schematic and details

A project log for "Antique" VU Meter

Conversion of a damaged 1940s era Multimeter into a VU Meter.

tim-savageTim Savage 03/25/2018 at 07:190 Comments
Attached is the schematic, consisting of number of common blocks, DC offset filter and bias, variable gain Op-Amp and a rectifier.

This is a "slightly" tweaked version from the main change being R3 to work better with my particular meter movement.

The rest of the build was largely around laying out and building the circuit onto a PCB and making the brackets to mount it.  The brackets where made from metal salvaged from a rice cooker that already had M4 threads tapped. 

Power is supplied using the existing battery contacts, an old school braided power cable would really finish the look.


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