
Maple syrup anyone?

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 04/11/2018 at 04:243 Comments

It finished.  I realized at 99.9% done I just could have lowered the set point and had the same effect as increasing the speed.  Duh.  Now the whole area smells a lot like burning maple syrup, but at least I have a print for testing how things fit.

I have a polka-dot portal fluid container stand-in as I destroyed the original trying to make the top bulge out evenly.

The fit looks pretty good though.  I still tweaked the clearance a bit so the inside ring will sit lower.  I also realized I put the portal fluid LED recess on the outside instead of the inside of the body.  It would be rather difficult to hold that ring in place with the LED in the way.  Fixed.

I made the battery holders part of the body now as it saves a bit of plastic.  The length is perfect.  The diameter is like .25mm off.

Well it turns out my 18650's are exactly 65mm long, but are actually ~18.3mm in diameter.  Measure twice, print once I guess.  

It occurred to me I could use the 3xAAA battery holders from my discarded flashlights instead here, but I don't think they would stand up to the current demand for very long.  The whole gun will come in somewhere around 3.5 Amps draw.

Servo mount looks good.

Printing again..


Dr. Cockroach wrote 04/11/2018 at 11:00 point

Pour on the power but  stand back for that first test fire :-)

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Jarrett wrote 04/11/2018 at 08:16 point

Woah, 3.5A?

You gonna melt that thing! That's probably pretty fitting for a first test of a portal gun :P

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MasterOfNull wrote 04/11/2018 at 13:49 point

33W continuous and 11W switched.  The 33W is actively cooled though.

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