
Portal fluid idea!

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 03/25/2018 at 22:040 Comments

I just had a great idea for the portal fluid container animation.

Skip slowly rotating anything... 

Make the central glob inside the bottle a solid 3D printed clear filament mass.  Add the electrostatic discharge lines as clear filament bits glued into holes left in it, then heat, pull, and kink those bits for artistic effect...  Make sure to leave them thick enough to stay straight when spinning even if they are going up at 45 degrees.

Then.. spin the whole thing up to a relatively benign 1000 rpm with a cheap DC motor, and strobe the LED light to stop the motion randomly.

It could look just like a discharge tube if I do it right...  :)

I can't wait to try it....
