
Lens carrier

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 03/27/2018 at 21:470 Comments

Modeled the lens carrier.  It mounts with 4 screws on the corners to allow for final focusing.

The extended cylinders are to prevent light from leaking between the projection images.

I'm still undecided if this should be the actual front face/aperture or not.  It will print flat like this with the outside surface against the bed, so that may look nicer in the end.

I can mount also this two ways.  

The lenses should really be allowed to be full size for maximum brightness, but the scale aperture size from the show has them smaller.  

So... should I sacrifice brightness for scale perfection?  Um.... No.

I think I'll just model a properly scaled cover for people want to be perfectly true to scale.

Moving on to the image ring mounts/drive.
