
Show me your body.

A project log for Interdimensional Portal Gun

A 3D printed portal gun, which projects animated portals.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 04/05/2018 at 18:340 Comments

Well here it is.  

The fan mount got changed to studs, the servo mounts were changed to posts and moved up, and the mounting slot for the LED PCB was added.

Next, the handle, which is sized to permanently glue to the body.

The center two ribs are break away, while the remainder support the rounded edge during printing for clean bridging.  I also moved the cooling exhaust to the handle bottom  I'll get less light leakage than having it right below the LED PCB, and perhaps the front to back circulation will cool the entire body then.  We'll see just how hot the exhaust from the LEDs gets when it's blowing on your hand..

The fan duct.  

It routes the cooling air between the LED PCB and the image discs, which should keep them both cool enough.  I broke down and used minkowski() for this one.  Minkowski is powerful, but must be used sparingly.  Notice the hole for passing the servo stud through, which is why they are round now. 

And the cover. 

Center is the duct to the fan, right is the speaker mount.  It's still missing the battery mount and tabs for snapping it closed.  The battery will mount over the speaker, and the tabs will go between the end of the stiffening rail and the gear retainers.

What it looks like from the outside.

And, all together.

The red panel is the stand-in for the LED PCB.

Almost there...
