
Making a BR-900CD Stand on its own

The other day, I started thinking about old projects that I had once considered, purchased the materials for, and then never finished. I am

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After reminiscing about my audio recording gear, I started thinking about a stand that I had purchased with the express idea of Pic 1mounting the BR-900CD onto. It was a heavy duty music stand that I had picked up on sale for 20 dollars. After I got it home, however I got lazy and decided to simply leave it as is and set the recording unit on it.

The other day, I started thinking about old projects that I had once considered, purchased the materials for, and then never finished. I am sure there are others guilty of this? I can’t be the only one, can I?

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    Step 1

    After reminiscing about my audio recording gear, I started thinking about a stand that I had purchased with the express idea of Pic 1mounting the BR-900CD onto. It was a heavy duty music stand that I had picked up on sale for 20 dollars. After I got it home, however I got lazy and decided to simply leave it as is and set the recording unit on it. This had several drawbacks.

    1. The Recording unit has a front loading CD drive, I cant use it without picking the recorder up.
    2. The Headphone jack is also on the front, making using that while it is in the stand impossible.
    3. The built in microphone is also right in the front.

    I thought about several ways to solve this, the issue is lip in the front. I could cut a slot and drill holes, this would have worked in theory but also made it much larger then it needed to be to hold the recording unit. I could also build a mounting plate and fix it to the stand the same way the top tray attached. This seemed like too much work.

    I simply set it on the tray and left it at that, the system fell into disuse. Who knew I was too lazy to plug in headphones.

    Fast forward a couple years, I decided to begin making use of the recording system again. I dug out the stand and started thinking, why not just cut the tray to attach to the bottom of the recording unit? It would save a lot of work.

    Pic 3

    I began by using an old case cutter, the sheet metal was about the same thickness, just a bit more brittle. After quickly sketching out with a pencil a rough outline of the shape I felt would fit best I began to cut. The nibbler was slow work and I could have made use of my Dremel with a cutting bit, but due to noise concerns and the fact that it was 11 pm I went with the slower more quiet option.

    Pic 4

    After The shape was cut out, I took my Dremel and quickly rounded all the sharp edges. Then traced around it onto a sheet of paper.

    Pic 8

    Finding the center of the BR-900CD and also the center of my traced image, I used a pencil and marked out where the 3 holes should be drilled in the plate.

    Pic 9

    Transferring the hole locations to the top plate,I drilled those.

    Pic 10Things didn’t fit quite right at first, and I ended up re-drilling a couple holes on the plate to match the bottom of the BR. Not a big deal really, just be sure it is secure.

    Instead of using holes and screws, I did consider using Velcro. This approach would be worthwhile if the device did not already have convenient screws on the bottom.

    Pic 12

    The base of the stand can expand much more, but I plan on letting it sit near the couch so I can record ideas as I have them without having to even get up ;) The height of laziness!

    Now to get back to recording.

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