
Reusable Graphene Silver Gel EMG Pads

I am trying to make reusable EMG pads that have a gel like consistency and are reusable once soaked in electrolyte.

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I need EMG pads that won't wear out or stop working, for prothesis development and ultimately for use on the inside of my exoskeleton.

All commercial offerings are currently useless for extended periods, and that's sad.

Utilizing graphene wrapped silver nanoparticles suspended in a PVA/PVDF/PVP gel electrolyte I think I can make entirely reusable electromyogram sensor pads.

Using a small percentage of DMSO (20%) and NaCl or sodium bicarbonate ionic conductivity can be vastly improved by bypassing the skin completely. DMSO is a polar aprotic solvent that passes through skin without any resistance.

The problems are in getting the ionic conductivity and electrical conductivity tuned to provide the least amount of resistance possible. This is easier said than done in a solid gel electrolyte especially considering it must be skin compatible.

The graphene and silver are below 2 ohms when used in conjunction which should allow a proper signal to reach the current collector backer.

I will use my 3d printer to print molds and pour the electrodes in for curing and then hopefully pop them out just as easily as they went in.

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  • 1 × 3d printer
  • 1 × Polyvinylalcohol
  • 1 × DMSO
  • 1 × NaCl or NaCO3
  • 1 × Graphene

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  • Aiming to finish early with the muscles

    MECHANICUS03/22/2016 at 00:30 2 comments

    I am aiming to finish this early as I need all the parts for the final build of the prosthetic hand. This will be the ultimate build to put a smile on some lucky kids face.

    The necessity of a reusable higher performance EMG is paramount for any legitimate prosthesis.

    I have been having problems with the PVA and DMSO, ie the PVA coagulates but this may not matter, I don't know more testing is needed.

    I will be aiming for this to be done by the end of citizen scientist.

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