Finished wiring the ALU.
The seven Relays from left to right:
1) Reset I/O Multiplexer
2,3) Multiplexer (latching, read mem to A, B or Carry, write sum or carry to mem)
4) Reset ALU input A,B,Carry
5,6,7) Input A, B, Carry (latching)
A project log for Relay Computer
A relay computer on hat rails Big loud relays, Turing complete, NO f**king diodes
Finished wiring the ALU.
The seven Relays from left to right:
1) Reset I/O Multiplexer
2,3) Multiplexer (latching, read mem to A, B or Carry, write sum or carry to mem)
4) Reset ALU input A,B,Carry
5,6,7) Input A, B, Carry (latching)
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