The C# code for this project has the following features:
- General NMEA sentence parser (GPS)
- Adafruit Ultimate GPS support (now using the NavSpark GPS)
- NavSpark RTK GPS support
- NTRIP client for RTK GPS corrections - allows for CM accuracy
- (beta) Adafruit Fona support (Cellular modem/phone/SMS)
- (beta) MPU 9150 support
- Lynxmotion SSC-32U support
- XBox 360 Controller and wireless receiver support
- Windows remote Arduino / RemoteWiring / Firmata - this is used with a SparkFun RedBoard that controls the HC-SR04 sensors.
- HC-SR04 sensor via remote Arduino functionality
Inverse Kinematics code mostly uses standard .net math libraries. The
basics for way point following and navigation is also there. Recently
added some obstacle avoidance code to be used in conjunction with the
way-point following or the XBox 360 remote.
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