Function main has a couple of main threads:
- ExositeTask
- UptimeTask
- AccSampleTask
I have changed task priorities for UptimeTask and AccSampleTask. UptimeTask has now a higher priority. I decided to use UptimeTask to read my UART port:
static void UptimeTask( void *pvParameters )
char c = 0;
c = MAP_UARTCharGetNonBlocking(CONSOLE); // Get a single character
if (c != 0){
UART_PRINT("\n\r\rExecuting UptimeTask Enter a string and press enter\n\r\r");
//....A bunch of commented out junk
See updated files on the Github. What I am hoping to achieve is to connect serial port of the CC3200 to my #Multimeter + Multimeter+ serial expansion port and start transmitting data through the WiFi. It might take some time though.
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