

A project log for automatic BOOKSCANNER for Ethiopia

Design of a 500 Euro automatic BOOKSCANNER which can be build without expensive or complicated equipment or skills.

karsten-fuhstKarsten Fuhst 04/04/2016 at 10:010 Comments

The main idea of the concept to build a bookscanner which moves a book face-down over linear sensors to capture page images, and uses vacuum pressure to turn pages automatically as the book moves came from Dany Qumsiyeh

August 22nd 2012 under the Apache License 2.0. It is also filed as US Patent 8711448 by Google.

We think about to use also the Apache License for the firmware/ software developments but to use an Open Hardware License as e.g. CERN Open Hardware License 1.2 (CERN OHL 1.2) for the electronic and mechanical developments.

It already happened that someone ( designed something for commercial use obviously using information from Dany Qumsiyeh and without contacting him or us. We don't know if they are willing to give all theire changes and improvements to the community...

It is highly appreciated if you like to comment onto that!


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