
The first tests

A project log for Indoor air-quality logger

Small air-quality logger using a NRF24 to send data to a central unit.

rr1993rr1993 04/22/2016 at 19:570 Comments

After a couple of hours i finished some of the initial tasks, however there is still some work to do which i postponed because of the lack of components. I still need some transistors and a 10uF capacitor, however i could run some tests already :) !

I decided to build an extra board acting as gateway with the Raspberry Pi, this way i can run the mesh-network without the raspberry being on, this extra board will serve as the master-node and a serial-gateway to the Pi. Because of the missing 10uF capacitor on this board i get a lot of transmission errors, but this will soon be over.

(Dont mind the stuff in the right upper corner its from an old project)

The sensor-board is missing a transistor to turn off the CO2-sensor, this sensor needs to be heated before it can be used but this process draws a lot of current from the battery's, so the controller must be able to turn the heating process off with the use of a transistor.

(Sawing didnt go so well :(, need to fix that)

The test were positive and i could see connectivity between the two nodes, the master node has a lot of transmission errors though.

to be continued !
