
We just tested the Z axis and things are looking good! (Okay we get that there’s wobble…we’re working on that)

A project log for Sienci Mill One: Simplifying Desktop CNC Milling

CNC desktop machines are expensive and complicated. This machine changes all that.

andy-leeAndy Lee 03/23/2016 at 03:340 Comments

March 15, 2016

So we’re still waiting on our aluminum shaft couplers and lead screws to come in the mail, so in the meantime, I hooked up a shaft coupler that I made at the machine shop and a 1/4″ threaded rod to the Z axis to see how things are working.

Things look pretty good! Since I didn’t do a very good job in making the coupler straight, the threaded rod is bent, and I need to tighten the v-wheels a bit more, there’s a lot of wobble in the Z axis. Once the lead screws come in however, I’m expecting way better linear movement on this thing.
