
More prototyping

A project log for Sienci Mill One: Simplifying Desktop CNC Milling

CNC desktop machines are expensive and complicated. This machine changes all that.

andy-leeAndy Lee 05/12/2016 at 17:000 Comments

May 11, 2016

We’ve put together a number of rail and gantry prototypes during the past week or so. A bunch have parts have come in for testing, and we’re excited to try them out!

We’ve had interest from a few different places to develop some linear rails for 3D printing applications, so we have created a few designs to address that. This means creating smaller and lighter versions of our current rails and exploring different setups, from belt drives to lead screw drives, angle style rails or flat bar style rails.

3D printing motor mounts and idler mounts

rail and gantry tests

linear motion assembly


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