
MeshPoint business plan for best product

A project log for MeshPoint - wifi router for humanitarian crisis

Autonomous, smart, wifi mesh router which is easy to use by humanitarian NGO first responders during humanitarian or natural disasters.

valent-turkovicValent Turkovic 07/24/2017 at 14:151 Comment

Here is MeshPoint buiness plan canvas:


nikita.long229 wrote 03/22/2022 at 17:04 point

I want to share my opinion. In college, I tried to have time to study all disciplines and perform all tasks well, but over time I realized that I am very interested in understanding technology and software, and economic and economic areas only distract me. I was looking for a way to optimize my time and continue to study successfully. It's good that I found a great site that helped me solve my problems such as writing texts and other tasks on topics that I don't understand well. I really liked this site, so I recommend reading it to all students or people who have to write something from time to time.

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