The WiFi Weather Sensor is a tiny weather station based on the ESP8266 SOC. It will push the measured temperature, humidity, pressure and battery voltage to the cloud or local servers in defined intervals. Configuration is done by using a simple web browser.
The sensor can be powered using a standard USB power supply or any batteries with a voltage of 3.5 to 6.5V. If inactive, the sensor will enter low power standby. A set of four AA batteries e.g. will last for about one month. The system will also switch off if the voltage drops below 3.0V to safe LiPo batteries. For recharging you might combine it with a solar charger.
I built one, which is running from a single 18650 Li-Ion battery. Still at 3,54V after three weeks with 10 minute interval. Lets see how long it'll last. Really nice device. Can't wait to test it outside (solar powered)
I built one, which is running from a single 18650 Li-Ion battery. Still at 3,54V after three weeks with 10 minute interval. Lets see how long it'll last. Really nice device. Can't wait to test it outside (solar powered)