
Sharing button and flexibility

A project log for Free Beer Selfie

Take a chance to offer a free beer to a stranger ! Or be creative with a photobooth.

muthMuth 04/22/2017 at 09:060 Comments

I've worked on the code for the Port Hackathon last year. I've put another button in the front panel if you'd like to share the picture taken and printed on a Facebook album. It was used for ThePort2016 and TEDxCERN. After the countdown, a screen appears for 10 sec asking you if you want to share the picture on the facebook album of re-print the picture. The album adress is printed on the tickets.

I recently update the code to use different printer commands. I was contacted by someone with a different printer model. Still Epson, but the TM-T88IV. It seems working fine now, and it possible more printer model can now be compatible. There is more settings now in the config file, it takes image files for the ticket header, and you can choose two different dithering algorithm.

Right is the classical Floyd-Steinberg, left is the Jarvis Judice Ninke dithering (Translated in Java the nice C code from )
