
Testing the pump, ordering parts.

A project log for Electrospinning Machine

Bring an open source electrospinning machine to the hobbyist level. Made with easily sourced and inexpensive materials.

douglas-millerDouglas Miller 04/06/2016 at 23:190 Comments

I've spent the last few days testing out the syringe pump. After a few more changes it's running pretty darn good. I ran four tests, each one twice, at various times and rates, and they all came out right spot on to the best of my testing abilities. Mostly I'm down to weighing the output on gram scales and they all come out right. At least it proves my math hasn't suffered badly with old age. Lol.

In one test I told it to give me just 1ml over a two hour span, and I checked the output in the middle a few times as well as at the end, and the delivery was even throughout. So low rates will not be a problem.

The pump right now has several options for different screws you can use. I also made it so if you want to use something else it's only two smaller parts you need to change. You'll also have to change a few numbers in the firmware, of course, but that's easy enough to do.

With the screw usable and the power supply parts on order, it's time to start on the cabinet to encase it all.

The power supply, well, I still haven't decided on a final design. I ordered parts to try several and I'll just pick the one that works the best. Probably some version of a flyback transformer, but I'm open to suggestions if anyone cares to chime in. I also have a 20kV supply here, but it's not made for this kind of thing and I don't have any idea if it will work like I want. It also has the drawback that it's not something that anyone about anywhere could get their hands on, so I may skip it just for that reason.

If anyone cares to look the pump over, I have the files up here. I hope I didn't screw up and leave something out, but if I did I'm sure someone will point it out. :)

I'll post the syringe parts list on here as soon as I get the list updated for the changes I've made.
